Can I sue my old high school / school board for not sending my transcripts

I transfered high schools from Miami Dade to Lee county and Miami Dade has not sent my transcripts to my new high school I have tried for over a year and my councilor has tried aswell and Miami Dade has in no way made an attempt to send over my transcripts
Jeez, everybody wants to sue. Do you have a clue as to how long litigation would take and how much it would cost you in attorney fees? No, of course you don't.

How about you pay a personal visit to the school you want the transcript sent from, go into the records office, and ask what to do about getting a transcript sent to your new school and how long it will take.

Bring cash in case there are fees involved.

Make sure you get the full name and direct phone number/extension of the person who is doing this for you and keep a copy of the request. You have a cell phone with a camera, don't you. Sign it and take a picture of it while you have it in your hand.

You're pretty close to being an adult. Time you started learning how to handle things for yourself.
I transfered high schools from Miami Dade to Lee county and Miami Dade has not sent my transcripts to my new high school I have tried for over a year and my councilor has tried aswell and Miami Dade has in no way made an attempt to send over my transcripts

Hmm, very unusual situation.

Were you officially enrolled in the former school?

How long were you there?

Were you expelled or suspended, precipitating your hasty retreat to the new school?

Do you or your parents owe fees at the former school?

Are you under the age of majority?

If you are, I'm almost certain your parents or guardians need to sign off on the request for a transcript.

Have you spoken to your new counselor about the situation?

What has she/he told you?
Jeez, everybody wants to sue. Do you have a clue as to how long litigation would take and how much it would cost you in attorney fees? No, of course you don't.

How about you pay a personal visit to the school you want the transcript sent from, go into the records office, and ask what to do about getting a transcript sent to your new school and how long it will take.

Bring cash in case there are fees involved.

Make sure you get the full name and direct phone number/extension of the person who is doing this for you and keep a copy of the request. You have a cell phone with a camera, don't you. Sign it and take a picture of it while you have it in your hand.

You're pretty close to being an adult. Time you started learning how to handle things for yourself.

The thing is I have went to the school my self and they stated that they could only send the transcripts to the school that I am now attending and after a full year they still have not done so after multiple attempts from multiple people I can understand the issues with attempting to sue the school but I am going into my Senior year and I will have to repeat all of the classes I have already got credit for because of negligence of Miami's behalf therefore pushing my graduation back farther and hurting my gpa which is a 3.8 currently and with the college I want to apply for credit retrieval is frowned upon
Hmm, very unusual situation.

Were you officially enrolled in the former school?

How long were you there?

Were you expelled or suspended, precipitating your hasty retreat to the new school?

Do you or your parents owe fees at the former school?

Are you under the age of majority?

If you are, I'm almost certain your parents or guardians need to sign off on the request for a transcript.

Have you spoken to your new counselor about the situation?

What has she/he told you?

I was officially enrolled in the school for the entirety of my sophomore year my parents and my self have personally went to the school to grab an official sealed copy of my transcripts and were informed that we were unable to pick it up ourselves that it would have to be sent personally to the new school I was not expelled my parents simply decided to move to Lee county my councilor has made contact with the former school on multiple occasions but the school has just simply not sent the transcripts over to her I have been dealing with this issue since a month before I moved (one month into the summer) of attempting to get the school to forward the transcripts and they have yet to do it. This worries me as I am going into my Senior year shortly and I will have to do credit retrieval for all of the credits UN accounted for on top of my Senior classes therefore possibly pushing back my graduation date and making it a lot harder to get into my top 3 colleges for nursing
The thing is I have went to the school my self and they stated that they could only send the transcripts to the school that I am now attending

That is standard practice for "official transcripts."

I agree with Blue that your parents need to escalate this to the top of the food chain.

And if that doesn't work, a strongly worded letter from a large, well known, law firm might do the trick.
I woukd make a call to rhe school district/superintendent. When the right person asks why the transcrpts have not been sent, things will get done in a hurry..

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