Can I turn in landlord and get money for utilities i paid?


New Member
was supposed to move in to an apartment on 12/14/20. I was also going to work for them. I paid sec dep/1st mo rent. Was emailed copy of receipt. Have emails confirming the move in date. The electric and other bills being hooked up in my name on that date and additional correspondences from landlord. A few days prior I got message stating it would not be move in ready (the place had to be completely renovated/gutted). Started job on 12/18. On 12/21 a week after I was to move in and the bills were already in my name, I was handed a check from the owners father saying "you'll know what this is for" (it was the amount of sec deposit and rent) and said i hope there's no hard feelings, but your personality doesn't fit they're letting you go... I had already given notice to previous rental, as of the 31st my 15 y.o. and I are homeless.. couch surfing. Everything in storage. Because we didn't sign a lease but did have verifiable written communication of me moving and discussed our "verbal lease" what rights do I have? Also, there was never any agreement or discussion Verbally or written that my tenancy would be based off being employed by them.
Can I turn in landlord

To where? To whom?

what rights do I have

There are different rules for employee lodging. Generally, when the employment is terminated so is the lodging.

Lessons learned:

Get a signed lease before you hand over any money.
Never rent a place that isn't ready for occupancy the day you look at it.
Avoid working for a landlord in exchange for lodging without a written contract.
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what rights do I have?

This seems to be the only question in your post, and the answer is that, like everyone else, you have dozens of legal rights, but it would serve no useful purpose to try and create a list.

Do you have a more specific legal question for us?
This seems to be the only question in your post, and the answer is that, like everyone else, you have dozens of legal rights, but it would serve no useful purpose to try and create a list.

Do you have a more specific legal question for us?
Yes, as in my posted question... can I get the money, that I was charged for the utilities that per my and mine landlords agreement and documented- that were set up on 12/14 in my name until 12/22. Since the apartment wasn't ready the day I was to move in, and he terminated our verbal lease but the utilities were already hooked up and I have all of the bills some to include hook up fees and early disconnect fees... cam i hold him responsible for these?
If this prospective landlord breached a contract and you suffered damages as a result, you may be able to recover those damages by filing a small claims lawsuit.

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