Can landlord claim less when evicting then he charges for rent

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our landlord upon moving in charged us a 625 deposit and 625 per month. he is now evicting us on grounds of not paying rent. rent payments stop due to an injury that happened on the landlords other property. as such we paid 625 a month for rent. payments lasted 11 months. appearing on all paperwork for the landlord and court papers the landlord claims rent was 600 per month. as well rent also stopped due to failure to maintenance property problems that have been found by the local neighborhood maintenance department. Is their anything that we should do to protect our selves, or can we claim back the extra money charged and our deposit back upon a court hearing.
So you're saying you place the rent in escrow when the landlord did not respond to repair requests and you waited the appropriate time to go this route, correct?

What does your lease say in terms of your monthly rent? If $625, it's $625 rent and the paperwork the landlord filled out for the court listing $600 was just a mistake.

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