Can LL ask a tenet move property out of room rented before 30days?

luther maze

New Member
My landlord said we had to move our stuff into the shed before the 30 days are up due to renovation. I rent a room month to month in a 4b/2b just me and one other tenet. I was just wondering if the landlord has a right to ask us to empty our rooms before the 30 days. Landlord said we could keep a mattress and essentials but would have to leave our rooms open.
No, that's not right.

I saw your post on another site but you didn't post that notice.

You pay for the room, you get to use the room as you have always used it.

Every rental agreement has an implied covenant of quiet enjoyment. It means that the landlord will not do anything to disturb the tenants' rights to peacefully and reasonably use their rented space—and that the landlord will act in a way that allows for peaceful use.

You are free to say no.
The landlord may ask but you are not obligated to comply.

If it is not too much of an inconvenience to you then you may want to comply in hopes of keeping things cordial and not inducing hassles over the return of any deposits.

As above, you don't have to do a darn thing if you don't want to, which includes allowing access to your room for renovation.
My landlord said we had to move our stuff into the shed before the 30 days are up due to renovation. I rent a room month to month in a 4b/2b just me and one other tenet. I was just wondering if the landlord has a right to ask us to empty our rooms before the 30 days. Landlord said we could keep a mattress and essentials but would have to leave our rooms open.

This will get very messy and could end up with someone being evicted EVENTUALLY.

As you are only renting a room, your rights to redress could be very limited.

This might be time to negotiate your way out of any rental obligations.

If you try that tact, make sure you get it in writing, dated, and signed by all parties.

When renovations start to occur, the property will be sold in the very near future.

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