Can manager do this?

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I work for a nationwide company, i reside in california, the company is based in arizona. I just have a question concering the rights of the manager in this situation, since really corporate is the one who sets all rules and reguilations. In this case my manager was disturbed because employee called in sick for new yrs. and there was no one else to cover. But a couple of employees had already warned him what this employee would do. He ended up suspending this employee. but because of this he now came up with a little point system,if u get five pints you are fired. Its something in the lines of, if ure late u get 2 pts, if u call in sick but find someone to cover your shift u get 2 points, if u call in sick with no one to cover u get 3 points. I just find this to be ridicullous, and i dont see why we shpould all get repremanded because of one person. He wants us all to sign his little point system saying we agree to his terms. but i would rather not sign, since i do not agree. But am afraid of geting fired if i dont. I just want to know if he has the power to do this? and if anyone has any advice for me i would really appreciate it! thanks for your time!
All of it is legal, although I agree that it's a little like requiring the whole class to stay after school when only one 8 year-old was misbehaving. Whether or not the company has given this manager the authority to implement such a policy or not, we would have no way of knowing. If you can keep your name out of it, you could call corporate HR and explain the new policy and see if it is OK with them.

You don't have to agree with the policy. However, until such time as corporate decides that he does not have the authority to implement such a policy, you might as well sign because you could legally be fired if you don't.
Even if you sign it first you can direct the matter to HR... they can kill the whole plan after the fact if they think it is nonsense. Your signature doesn't mean anything more than that you are aware of the rule... it doesn't mean that you accept it as a good idea.
thanks to both of you for your comments they are well appreciated. I have one more question, if its not such a bother. I have been working for this employer for almost five years and for most of the part i was working from 35-40 hours a week. Recently with our new manager we got likr in september my hours were cut heavily down to 15 sometimes up to 20. I am a part-time employee. but i really cannot afford this. I was wondering if i quit, in the meantime while i find a new job, if would i be eligible for unemployment because of the hour cuts??
Well if corporate headquarters dictates the attendance policy I would contact them. The manager may be overstepping his authority.
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