Can my co worker speak in their native language at work around others

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Co workers speaking in their native language in a work setting around others who do not speak their language
They absolutely may.

The employer may, if he so chooses, limit work related conversation to English, but employees who are on break, at lunch, or simply chatting among themselves about non-work related issues have the right, protected by law, to speak in whatever language they choose.
Co workers speaking in their native language in a work setting around others who do not speak their language

If it is permissible (by your employer), simply wear foam ear plugs (those are cheap, very cheap) or a very comfortable pair of Bluetooth headsets.
Some might consider it rude for co-workers to do so but they have the legal right to do so. If it is conversation related to work, the employer can (if the employer wishes) have all employees speak English.
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