Can my ex employer sue me?

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I have this doubt in my mind since I quit at my old place of work and am starting with my new employer soon I was on a STD for 8 weeks and when I came back in September I was greeted by a pile of unsent invoices to a large client. I started going through them but this task is not a easily resolved one - most of those ćinvoices required revised orders. Getting these revisions back can take anywhere from a week to half a year.
I am responsible for sending those out, but they obviously did not hire any temps or sent out any of those invoices during my time of leave. I did the best I could but in the meantime there were new invoices that needed to be sent out. My boss started talking how we needed to resolve that issue because we could have a big write off at the end of the year and that might affect the company profitability. I got all the backlog out before I left the company, but I never trusted my former boss and this thought is now in my head - that he will try to blame me for the whole thing, that I am no longer with the company. I know I did the best job I could under the given circumstances.

help, please?
CAN he sue you? Well, anyone can sue anyone for anything. I can sue you because I don't like your shoes. Doesn't mean I'll win.

If it's evident that the invoices should have been sent out during a time that you can show you were on medical leave he won't win either. And seriously? This falls under "cost of doing business". This would be such a slam dunk case - for you - that unless he could show provable-in-court evidence of real negligence on your part that he'd be a fool to try.
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