can someone be held liable for tickets issued in 2012 (7 yrs ago) thru the district court in arkansa

I found an old document of my son's that relates to some tickets he received back in 2012. He was cited for 1) careless & prohibited driving 2) failure to appear 3) judicial find collection enhancement fun..(?) It's from a local law firm, addressed to my son, and it's headed "outstanding warrant notice". It says "the district court has entered an order against you; and you have unpaid court fees & fines in these court-ordered matters as listed below" & that is where they list the above citations. The amount at that time was $485.00. I know that my son most likely did not pay any of the fines; he probably paid no attention to the letters sent to him, and now (it's dated March 4, 2013, but the incident occurred on March 16, 2012) it's July of 2019. I'm not even clear on what happened, but I believe he hit a car (minimal damage) & was issued the first ticket for $195.00; and subsequently was issued the Failure to Appear- $275.00 & the Judicial Fine Collection Enhancement FUN (?) - $15.00, when he failed to do anything about it. I'm assuming the "prohibited driving" is because his license was suspended at the time.

now it has been like 8 years....and he's heard nothing else of this. I believe the people he hit were filing a lawsuit against him....& he just never moved at all on it, I'm not real sure. So here's the dilemma: He is currently serving time in a Federal prison (nothing related to this at all) and his release date isn't until 2022. I am already worried what will happen when he is released, because he will still have a suspended license ( from the more current event) and therefore will have no way to get around to look for work.

He will not have any money when released. This ordeal (current ordeal) has already cost myself & my family thousands of dollars...I can't even bear the thought of anyone having to put out even more money for him because of this. It just won't happen. will he be able to get his license back? Is there a statute of limitations on collecting for these citations? He has been in and out of the court system for the last few years now. But this has not come up as far as I know. Bottom line is: is this going to be an issue when he is released? I know he has tried to get his license reinstated right before this last incident and wasn't able to. I'm extremely worried about this situation and need answers

Thank you

Bev Mcclellan
I found an old document of my son's that relates to some tickets he received back in 2012. He was cited for 1) careless & prohibited driving 2) failure to appear 3) judicial find collection enhancement fun..(?) It's from a local law firm, addressed to my son, and it's headed "outstanding warrant notice". It says "the district court has entered an order against you; and you have unpaid court fees & fines in these court-ordered matters as listed below" & that is where they list the above citations. The amount at that time was $485.00. I know that my son most likely did not pay any of the fines; he probably paid no attention to the letters sent to him, and now (it's dated March 4, 2013, but the incident occurred on March 16, 2012) it's July of 2019. I'm not even clear on what happened, but I believe he hit a car (minimal damage) & was issued the first ticket for $195.00; and subsequently was issued the Failure to Appear- $275.00 & the Judicial Fine Collection Enhancement FUN (?) - $15.00, when he failed to do anything about it. I'm assuming the "prohibited driving" is because his license was suspended at the time.

So now it has been like 8 years....and he's heard nothing else of this. I believe the people he hit were filing a lawsuit against him....& he just never moved at all on it, I'm not real sure. So here's the dilemma: He is currently serving time in a Federal prison (nothing related to this at all) and his release date isn't until 2022. I am already worried what will happen when he is released, because he will still have a suspended license ( from the more current event) and therefore will have no way to get around to look for work.
He will not have any money when released. This ordeal (current ordeal) has already cost myself & my family thousands of dollars...I can't even bear the thought of anyone having to put out even more money for him because of this. It just won't happen. will he be able to get his license back? Is there a statute of limitations on collecting for these citations? He has been in and out of the court system for the last few years now. But this has not come up as far as I know. Bottom line is: is this going to be an issue when he is released? I know he has tried to get his license reinstated right before this last incident and wasn't able to. I'm extremely worried about this situation and need answers.
Thank you,
Bev Mcclellan

Bev...Stop dealing with your sons criminal issues. Ignore it. Frankly, if you continue to mommy him he will continue to be a childish idiot. Don't pay his fines/judgements/lawyers/etc...
Bev...Stop dealing with your sons criminal issues. Ignore it. Frankly, if you continue to mommy him he will continue to be a childish idiot. Don't pay his fines/judgements/lawyers/etc...

yes, i agree...BUT...the worry that I have is: without a license & a way to get around, that he will end up laying around my place all day & well, as you can imagine, I can't have it! He is doing a correspondence course with Adams College, learning to become a paralegal. He is also entering the RDAP program on August 5th; just mere days away. He's actually doing very well in prison; in fact, I'd say it's the best thing that could've happened to him. When he's released, I want him to be able to hit the ground running! I want him to able to get his license back immediately so he can GO! So what I'm concerned with is - will he ever even be able to get it back?? Could this thing have just "gone away" since we've heard nothing about it for 7 years? Is there a statute of limitations on stuff like this??
yes, i agree...BUT...the worry that I have is: without a license & a way to get around, that he will end up laying around my place all day & well, as you can imagine, I can't have it! He is doing a correspondence course with Adams College, learning to become a paralegal. He is also entering the RDAP program on August 5th; just mere days away. He's actually doing very well in prison; in fact, I'd say it's the best thing that could've happened to him. When he's released, I want him to be able to hit the ground running! I want him to able to get his license back immediately so he can GO! So what I'm concerned with is - will he ever even be able to get it back?? Could this thing have just "gone away" since we've heard nothing about it for 7 years? Is there a statute of limitations on stuff like this??
Personally I think your nuts to have him live with you...and on some level you must agree otherwise you wouldn't be posting here. Let him deal with ALL of the consequences of his actions...past and present.

But no. Criminal matters don't just "go away". SOL doesn't apply here.
yes, i agree...BUT...the worry that I have is: without a license & a way to get around, that he will end up laying around my place all day & well, as you can imagine, I can't have it! He is doing a correspondence course with Adams College, learning to become a paralegal. He is also entering the RDAP program on August 5th; just mere days away. He's actually doing very well in prison; in fact, I'd say it's the best thing that could've happened to him. When he's released, I want him to be able to hit the ground running! I want him to able to get his license back immediately so he can GO! So what I'm concerned with is - will he ever even be able to get it back?? Could this thing have just "gone away" since we've heard nothing about it for 7 years? Is there a statute of limitations on stuff like this??
Beverly....Is this your son?

24 charged in Arkansas in massive national medical fraud investigation - Arkansas Times
When he is released in a few years support his effort to find employment and encourage conservative spending habits so he can save and pay his own past due fines. Once he does that the reward will be getting his license back. He should earn it. No free handouts.
When he is released in a few years support his effort to find employment and encourage conservative spending habits so he can save and pay his own past due fines. Once he does that the reward will be getting his license back. He should earn it. No free handouts.

you have made the most sense of anyone here. that's what i planned to do. i was really surprised by some of the flippant answers here. wow. maybe they don't have kids, or maybe their kids are "perfect"......very judgmental. so thank you!
you have made the most sense of anyone here. that's what i planned to do. i was really surprised by some of the flippant answers here. wow. maybe they don't have kids, or maybe their kids are "perfect"......very judgmental. so thank you!
I have children. And if one of them was a drug dealing felon...You can bet your bottom dollar they would be left to deal with the consequences of their action(s) on their own.

My children are not felons. They are intelligent, kind, functioning adults that make this world a better place. Oldest graduated Suma from one of the best Universities in the country and my youngest is heading to Yale...:)

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