Can someone break a lease if they have medical condition?


New Member
A friend of mine has Bi-polar and is in major money problems because of Bi-polar. Can she get out of her high price appartment? Her bills are over 50,000 dollars and she doesn't income to pay them back. This is in Tennessee.

A friend of mine has Bi-polar and is in major money problems because of Bi-polar. Can she get out of her high price appartment? Her bills are over 50,000 dollars and she doesn't income to pay them back. This is in Tennessee.


Read the lease.
If her lease resembles most leases its silent on breaking it.
There might be a discussion of breaking the lease.
If its there, it'll cost.
Either way, have her discuss the matter with apartment management.
Management might offer her a pay to vacate deal.

Otherwise, there's bankruptcy.
To look into how a chapter 7 BK would assist her, suggest she discuss the idea with a couple, local BK lawyers.
If your question is, is there a law that says someone can break a lease because of a medical condition that causes her to make bad decisions, no, there isn't.

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