can stepdad get rights over german citizen 13yr without mothers consen

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OMG! Thank u so much Proserpina! Yes, I do feel much better now. So even though I'm unfortunately still married to him the "legal stranger" thing still applies ? Once I'm back in Germany I can divorce him from over there.
Absolutely - he is and will always remain that "legal stranger" to your child.

Don't let them try to frighten you into agreeing with something you would regret!
I won't . I've already been throu a lots of health issues and depressions because of HIM and my other 2 older daughters scaring and cornering me with all kinds of scary stuff about this matter. I just want this nightmare to end and finally be able to sleep again at night . So, AGAIN, thank u SO much for all your help on here. And I will for sure keep u posted once I've made it back home...if u don't mind. God bless u PROSERPINA !!
Good luck & do keep us posted & try not to worry so much. Things should turn out fine.
I won't . I've already been throu a lots of health issues and depressions because of HIM and my other 2 older daughters scaring and cornering me with all kinds of scary stuff about this matter. I just want this nightmare to end and finally be able to sleep again at night . So, AGAIN, thank u SO much for all your help on here. And I will for sure keep u posted once I've made it back home...if u don't mind. God bless u PROSERPINA !!

You're very welcome! Now focus on the health and wellbeing of your own little family unit.

For the record, most of the time I tend to be sympathetic towards a stepparent who is not going to be able to see his stepchild. But when a stepparent effectively threatens the actual parent and manipulates the child in question? Oh heck no. :)

Good luck!
I love happy campers.

Happy Happy Happy


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    43.7 KB · Views: 1 promised I keep u posted. Well, I'm not in Germany yet. It was time to book flights and preparing my daughter for the big move. That did NOT go so well. She is really serious bout taking this to court. And stepdad already made some calls. They want me to give him guardianship for my daughter. And I should get visitation rights and come back to the US if I want to see her. Buttom line...if u want to go or just need to go back to Germany for a while...go ahead. Daughter remains here. My daughter was telling me that she'd RUN If I try and drag her out of her life here. N I won't have the right to do so...only GOD does!! Guys...this is NOT lookn good for me! promised I keep u posted. Well, I'm not in Germany yet. It was time to book flights and preparing my daughter for the big move. That did NOT go so well. She is really serious bout taking this to court. And stepdad already made some calls. They want me to give him guardianship for my daughter. And I should get visitation rights and come back to the US if I want to see her. Buttom line...if u want to go or just need to go back to Germany for a while...go ahead. Daughter remains here. My daughter was telling me that she'd RUN If I try and drag her out of her life here. N I won't have the right to do so...only GOD does!! Guys...this is NOT lookn good for me!

Daughter has no standing to take it to court (as a minor, she has to go where you say go). Don't sign any paperwork from StepDad. promised I keep u posted. Well, I'm not in Germany yet. It was time to book flights and preparing my daughter for the big move. That did NOT go so well. She is really serious bout taking this to court. And stepdad already made some calls. They want me to give him guardianship for my daughter. And I should get visitation rights and come back to the US if I want to see her. Buttom line...if u want to go or just need to go back to Germany for a while...go ahead. Daughter remains here. My daughter was telling me that she'd RUN If I try and drag her out of her life here. N I won't have the right to do so...only GOD does!! Guys...this is NOT lookn good for me!

Ulmerspatz, you're repeating yourself.

Yes, they are threatening, crying, shouting, stomping their feet, and more.

All you need to do is follow the sage explanations provided by Betty, Proserpina, and boyzgrrl; you should be okay.

There is very little left to be done here.

The heavy lifting must be done by you.

There is noting the child can do, that you can't overcome.

Its time to be a mom, not a spineless jellyfish.
Stand up for yourself - take her & go! The best of luck. promised I keep u posted. Well, I'm not in Germany yet. It was time to book flights and preparing my daughter for the big move. That did NOT go so well. She is really serious bout taking this to court. And stepdad already made some calls. They want me to give him guardianship for my daughter. And I should get visitation rights and come back to the US if I want to see her. Buttom line...if u want to go or just need to go back to Germany for a while...go ahead. Daughter remains here. My daughter was telling me that she'd RUN If I try and drag her out of her life here. N I won't have the right to do so...only GOD does!! Guys...this is NOT lookn good for me!

Here's my advice.

Take that child firmly by the hand, get on the plane, and get her backside to Germany. Now, if not sooner.

You have family there, yes? Good - leave her with family, get back to the US and finish up your business then return home. As in, Germany.

You're going to need to be the bad guy here, in the eyes of your daughter. That's fine - so be it. But she better get used to doing as she's told.

I cannot emphasize this enough:

She cannot file anything with the court.

Your ex cannot file anything with the court.

Period. Even if.

Print out those statutes I quoted before. He is NOT going to get your child unless you do it voluntarily.
Ok guys...thank u! I'm sorry, I'm just really scared rite now! I cn fly on the 13th. But soon to b X was tlkn to daughter last nite bout the court n what she shld say. Also, that she shld scream n shout when I'll try to get her to the airport so police wld get involved to help her. So, PROSERPINA , u want me to print all the statuses, and then what? Show it to them??
The police will not get involved, but if they do? They'll be helping YOU to get her on the plane.

You don't have to show anybody a darned thing. You are the SOLE parent here and your rights will not be trumped by a teenager who won't follow your rules, or a stepfather who - well, I'm not exactly sure what he is trying to do.

Stop contacting him, and stop allowing her to have contact. Take away her phone, her Internet access, the full works. Ground her from now until the 13th, if you have to.
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