Can the judge do this?

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A judge kicked someone out of a mental health court program without due process. What can be done about it?
This person ( I will call him Jim)is going to lose all possessions. He was kicked out because he was following doctors orders and taking prescribed medications. The precribed medications were approved not only by the physican but by his mental health professionals. He had x-rays, MRI and blood tests done at the ER.
The judge told him that he had back pains and did not take medications so why should Jim need medications. This seems highly unethical. What kind of legal protection can Jim access? Can a judge order someone to abstain from the doctor's orders? How can the judge get away with this? Thanks
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There is a lot going on with this case. I'm not sure this is a clear case of judicial corruption either. It is fact specific and goes way beyond what we can help with here. While there are procedures to ensure the process is fair (and perhaps you can hire a lawyer if there truly is a due process issue) I don't think this is one where you can or should yet file an ethical grievance. Speak to an attorney first if there is a need to appeal a decision and good luck.
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