Can you sue a CUNY

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This may seem silly but I attend a New York City College and Im graduating with my bachelors in May 2010. I was informed that I couldnt graduate magna cum laude because Im a transfer student and I would have needed to take 54 credits in cuny (I only have 44) to be eligible to graduate with honors. My question is it possible to sue the city or cuny to have this rule abolished?
This may seem silly but I attend a New York City College and Im graduating with my bachelors in May 2010. I was informed that I couldnt graduate magna cum laude because Im a transfer student and I would have needed to take 54 credits in cuny (I only have 44) to be eligible to graduate with honors. My question is it possible to sue the city or cuny to have this rule abolished?

I don't mean to sound rude but...

...what on earth makes you think the school can't set its own rules or that YOU can decide the school's graduation requirements?!
Apparently Im nobody, but I feel if you work hard for something, you deserve it. Its not being handed to you on a silver platter its something you worked hard for. So why should they be able to tell you you can't have it, not because you didnt work for it, and not because you dont deserve it because what they werent my first choice of schools, or because they want me to waste my time taking unnecessary courses paying them extra money
Apparently Im nobody, but I feel if you work hard for something, you deserve it. Its not being handed to you on a silver platter its something you worked hard for. So why should they be able to tell you you can't have it, not because you didnt work for it, and not because you dont deserve it because what they werent my first choice of schools, or because they want me to waste my time taking unnecessary courses paying them extra money


Because they require 54 credits from you and you only have 44.

I'm honestly not seeing your point here.
Apparently Im nobody, but I feel if you work hard for something, you deserve it. Its not being handed to you on a silver platter its something you worked hard for. So why should they be able to tell you you can't have it, not because you didnt work for it, and not because you dont deserve it because what they werent my first choice of schools, or because they want me to waste my time taking unnecessary courses paying them extra money

If you take that crappy attitude into the world you will get a very rude awakening. You worked hard, but you didn't meet the standard. If CUNY wants to see you do 54 credits at THEIR school to insure that you didn't take softer courses elsewhere, it is their choice to make.

Secondly, after your first entry level job, no one will ever ask your GPA again. No one cares, its an accomplishment for those with no experience. The world runs on experience not on GPA.
We all were the amoeba in the pond at one point. If you learn to step back and stop fighting with life this too will pass. This first thing I see about you is you seem to have a self esteem issue. I'm not putting you down, though if I'm right you will take this as an insult. In your posts you have said, "I am nothing" and intimated that you are an "ameba" (sic) in a pond. You seem to value your honors cord pretty highly, but not highly enough to spend another semester earning it. You may think you will become somebody with it.

I realize this is more psychology than law, but you will find the cord around your neck is just something for the moment. I couldn't tell you where my honor's cord is. I don't know where my tassel is. My degrees are hanging on the wall or I wouldn't know where they are!

Really, I'm not putting you down when I say that you will very quickly come to know that these things are not nearly as important as you think they are now. Your self esteem and the manner in which you present yourself are FAR MORE IMPORTANT than the honors cord.

In any case, you can't force a change in the rules just because you don't like them. Good luck.
This may seem silly but I attend a New York City College and Im graduating with my bachelors in May 2010. I was informed that I couldnt graduate magna cum laude because Im a transfer student and I would have needed to take 54 credits in cuny (I only have 44) to be eligible to graduate with honors. My question is it possible to sue the city or cuny to have this rule abolished?

Yes, by all means, you can sue CUNY.

If you prevail on your lawsuit, they'll change the rule, but more importantly for you; you'll receive the vaunted "summa cum laude" designation!

Now, where would you bring such a lawsuit?

Small claims courts, usually don't have the ability to order "specific performance".

You aren't suing to change a rule, OP.

You suing CUNY to have a court order the university to allow you the distinction of "summa cum laude" upon graduation.

If you brought such a suit, it would have to be a supreme court (at least) in NY.

Or, you could sue them in a federal district court.

Do you plan to try this suit yourself?

Or, will you be engaging the services of one of my brothers/sisters at the bar?

I suppose any lawyer would gladly represent you in a case like this for nothing less than a $10,000 retainer.

Its always a great day when someone gets sued!
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