Can you tell me if this is a scam?

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Recently I got this weird e-mail. In it this guy claimed that he was the lawyer of someone who died in a car accident. It turns out that the deceased was rich and had no living relatives. The lawyer said he's been searching for two years, for a relative. And he contacted me because I was supposedly the last person the deceased e-mail--though I don't remember that e-mail. He wants me to be declaired as the inheiriter of the deceased's assets and property (); in return I give him a percentage of the money. He says this is legal and that he can do it because I'm of the same nationality as the deceased.

Does this sound like a scam to you?
He's only asked for my name/address/phone--which I haven't given to him.

Is this legal?
Please help.
let me guess, the deceased lived in Africa? I am getting about two emails per week. This is one of the oldest scams on the internet

Thanks for telling me! I don't know much about these kinds of things--so you were a big help. I'll be sure to delete that e-mail!
It's been my experience, that if they can't call ya, how are they gonner find your email address?? hehe

Even if you had been the last person the dead guy mailed, how the hell would he know your nationality... lmao

Safest bet for me so far, is to delete it if I don't know who sent it.... :)

Glad you asked first, before giving him that bank info to "deposit" your cash to.. hehe
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