Cant afford Divorce, need help with kids.

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I lost my job 6 months ago. My wife started seeing someone and ended up kicking me out of her apartment. She wasnt taking care of our two boys so i ended up taking them. I found a job 3 months ago and Ive been paying off bills and trying to save up for a place. Shes seens them two days out of 4 + months.

She doesnt call or help with them at all. What are my options? I cant afford to spend thousands of dollars on a lawyer. I tried to go get legal aid and they said i qaulified, but I was denied two weeks later. Should I just keep trying different legal aids?

Will she be responsable for back child support for these past months?
She isn't responsible for child support until you get an order for child support. If she flagrantly broke your marriage vows you can sue her for cause and get her to pay your attorney bills. You should go see what a lawyer would cost instead of assuming it will be "thousands of dollars." You get exactly what you pay for. Good luck.
What do you mean if she flagrantly broke our marriage? Like proving she was cheating? If Ive heard it never holds up in court.

Can I have child support papers served to her before going through the divorce?
I would not have mentioned it if I didn't think she was at fault. There should be a child support order in the standing order of the court when you file for divorce.
So dont use free legal aid in your opinion?

He did not say that. He merely gave you a possible. I three options

A. One jharris offers but check to see if this will work or not first

B. Legal aid

C. If cost is factor some courts waive fees for those who qualify. Check onthis. Note that this means you do all the legal footwork yourself. Clerks can advise you on how to fill out forms and which ones but cannot give legal advice
I know he didnt say that. i wasnt qouting him. I saw what it said in his profile qoute. Ive been to a legal aid and they said I was on the border line of making too much. I dont make that much money right now. Not enought to afford a lawyer.

I would do all the papers myself, but is it just as good?
You can try filing on your own. you can ask for custody and child support. If you cannot afford an attoreny then see if your court offers mediation.
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