capital one class action lawsuit...on renewing/still using my current cc...

joe collins

New Member
British Columbia
hi there...located in Vancouver BC, I was one of those snarled in the recent capital one credit card hack (yes i received an email from Capital One confirming such, lucikly my SIN not shared).
so i'm considering joining LMK or Charney up here in Canada...but i'm still using my CC...and received a new one in the mail (as current one will expire in Oct)...should I cancel my card altogether?
I asked LMK lawfirm in Toronto this question and got a curt reply: 'we can't provide legal advice at this time'.....not even a FAQ? i'm sure i'm not the only person inquiring about this.

many thanks for any feedback.
Sorry - this forum focuses on US law matters. As nice as Canada is, it's still not a part of the US.

EDIT: Additionally - yours really isn't a legal question in the first place.

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