Car accident no insurance

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I had just recieved a car from a friend that i was purchasing the vehicle ,from,and a hour later i was driving with two other passengers in my vehicle down the freeway it was late at night so not too many cars were out i was doing about 65 to 67 mph and as i was driving there was a little pot hole in the street which jerked my car to the right just about half inch but there was a suv that came up beside me started to pass and merge into my lane which we collided with each other this caused me to veer to the left heading directly to the center divider i grabbed the steering wheel yanking it to the right to avoid the wall and the bac end banked off it which sent me spiraling in to 360 spin so i turnedd into the skid and pressed my breaks which left me. Facing traffic the other car upon our initiall contact veered to the right which he either went against the skid or turned it to much but he got hit by another vehicle which caused him to flip his vehicle over and slid to the shoulder soon as we stopped i jumped out of the vehicle and ran to see if evrybody was alright i seen two passengers climb out and set down and another was stuck inside ,then i looked up and another vehicle came flyinng down the freeway and slammed on his breaks causing him to crash head on to my vehicle the hazard lights on my vehicle were on and clearly visible at first we didnt need any medical attention cause the shock and adrenaline had us numb .when officers arrived we gave our description of what happened and the chp then did a sobriety check on me 3 of them plus a breathalyzer which read 0.000 ,i passed all thier field tests and the cop said he was gonna have to write me a ticket for no insurance he said it could be corrected all i had to do was get insurance within a two week time frame show proof and take it in and they will remove that ticket from my record so no points he had checked the boxes on the. Ticket which read correction violation and infraction ,,,,now my question is why didnt the other driver of the vehicle given the same feild sobriety tests like i was and what can happen out of all this
There's no way anyone can tell you why another did or didn't do something.

You should ask the cop, if you really want to know why you were checked for DUI and the others weren't.

Nothing will come of the citation if you obtain VALID insurance before the two week period expires, and take the proof to show the court. If you don't get such insurance, you'll have to pay a very hefty fine.
he said it could be corrected all i had to do was get insurance within a two week time frame show proof and take it in and they will remove that ticket from my record so no points

Absolutely 100% NOT TRUE.

California Vehicle Code 16028(e) A person issued a notice to appear for a violation of subdivision (a) may personally appear before the clerk of the court, as designated in the notice to appear, and provide written evidence of financial responsibility in a form consistent with Section 16020, showing that the driver was in compliance with that section at the time the notice to appear for violating subdivision (a) was issued.

CA Codes (veh:16020-16033)

That means it's only correctible if you prove you had insurance at the time the citation was issued.

There is one thing, however, that might save your bacon. If you already had a car that had insurance your policy would likely cover the newly acquired vehicle and you would be able to get it endorsed on to the policy as of the date you bought it so you would be covered for the accident and in compliance with the insurance law.

If that doesn't apply then you are toast because an uninsured accident will likely result in a suspension of your license.
Absolutely 100% NOT TRUE.

California Vehicle Code 16028(e) A person issued a notice to appear for a violation of subdivision (a) may personally appear before the clerk of the court, as designated in the notice to appear, and provide written evidence of financial responsibility in a form consistent with Section 16020, showing that the driver was in compliance with that section at the time the notice to appear for violating subdivision (a) was issued.

CA Codes (veh:16020-16033)

That means it's only correctible if you prove you had insurance at the time the citation was issued.

There is one thing, however, that might save your bacon. If you already had a car that had insurance your policy would likely cover the newly acquired vehicle and you would be able to get it endorsed on to the policy as of the date you bought it so you would be covered for the accident and in compliance with the insurance law.

If that doesn't apply then you are toast because an uninsured accident will likely result in a suspension of your license.

If dude had a valid auto insurance policy, he'll PROBABLY be okay.

Nothing is 100% certain in this world but our looming deaths.

If dude had no valid auto insurance policy, toast it'll be.

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