Jail Car break in

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Hi I'm from the state of Texas and my boyfriend is 16 turning 17 on the 28th well recently about a month or two ago he made a poor decision and broke into a car with his friend this was also before I started dating him, well he took a gun and some other stuff out of this car. Well recently his friends mom found the stuff his friend took and called the cops. He went to the court house yesturday to get fingure printed they told his dad they'd let him go as soon as he was done but got held. The car he broke into ended up being a DEA car and he is in some trouble they are saying that he will be doing time or probation for this. Tomorow he goes before the judge to see if he can come home before his court date. And I'd like to know what the most likely possie out come is. Because I've been crying because he was just with the wrong crowd at one point and gets all As and Bs in school and this is killing me. What would be the most possible thing to happen. And would it help his parents to get a lawyer?
Thanks have a great day
Hi I'm from the state of Texas and my boyfriend is 16 turning 17 on the 28th well recently about a month or two ago he made a poor decision and broke into a car with his friend this was also before I started dating him, well he took a gun and some other stuff out of this car. Well recently his friends mom found the stuff his friend took and called the cops. He went to the court house yesturday to get fingure printed they told his dad they'd let him go as soon as he was done but got held. The car he broke into ended up being a DEA car and he is in some trouble they are saying that he will be doing time or probation for this. Tomorow he goes before the judge to see if he can come home before his court date. And I'd like to know what the most likely possie out come is. Because I've been crying because he was just with the wrong crowd at one point and gets all As and Bs in school and this is killing me. What would be the most possible thing to happen. And would it help his parents to get a lawyer?
Thanks have a great day

You might want to discuss this with your parents.

He's in big trouble, the kind of trouble that sends people to TDCJ, state prison.
He's allegedly committed felonies.
He might even end up being tried in federal court.

His parents can hire him a lawyer.
They have no say in the matter.
He's going to be processed in DISTRICT COURT and held in county jail, unless he's granted bail.
But, he'll be tried as an adult.
He can request the court to appoint him a public defender.

If you don't want to end up like him, be smart, keep your distance.
You need to focus on school, not soon to be felons.
It only takes one second to destroy or ruin your life.
He is an example of staying away from certain influences.
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