Car Dealership Registration


New Member
I am a NM resident, purchased a vehicle in Chicago. Dealership said they would take care of registration, I knew the process NM requires to obtain registration as I had purchased a vehicle the prior year from out of state, and they still assured me they would take care of everything. Was issued a 90 day temp tag. I keep the car in NV as I travel back and forth. I picked up the car in Chicago and drove back to NM. (had problems along the way with car but that's another story). The car was in NM for a few days prior to driving car to NV. About 2 months after the purchase I receive an email saying I need to get a VIN Inspection as required by the State of NM, I was mad because they said they would take care of the registration so I believe they should of had the VIN Inspection done prior to me picking up the car. I contacted Nevada Highway patrol as the VIN inspection has to be done by a law enforcement officer. NM requires the officer to email info to them for a prefilled out form for them to use on the inspection, the officer I spoke to said they will not email back and forth with the State of NM for some form that if I bring the form NM uses they would fill it out. I then contacted the state of NM and they would not give a form to anyone but it had to be prefilled out and sent to a law enforcement officer. I then contacted the dealership to let them know. I feel like I paid them to register the car and here I am having to do it myself. I live the majority of the time in NM. So I had to have a friend drive the car all the way to NM over 800 miles one way to get a VIN Inspection in NM as the car had to be present. My temp tag expires in 5 days and I will not have the registration by then. This is not the state of NM fault. It is the dealerships fault. Now I will not be able to legally drive the car after my temp tag expires. just looking as to what I should do cause I am paying for a car I cannot drive because of negligence of the dealership. Not the first problem I had with them. Stuck 5 days in Omaha on way back from picking up car due to them not letting me drive off lot with safe tires, etc.
I am a NM resident, purchased a vehicle in Chicago.

First mistake - buying a car from a far-away state.

Dealership said they would take care of registration,

Second mistake - trusting the dealer.

just looking as to what I should do

Third mistake - thinking that there is some way of getting money out of the dealer for your troubles, if that's what you are thinking.

Now I will not be able to legally drive the car after my temp tag expires.

See if you can get another temp tag from NM or NV while you straighten this out.
First mistake - buying a car from a far-away state.

Second mistake - trusting the dealer.

Third mistake - thinking that there is some way of getting money out of the dealer for your troubles, if that's what you are thinking.

See if you can get another temp tag from NM or NV while you straighten this out.

First off I have bought many cars from out of state with no problems.

I paid for the dealership to do the registration so I expect it done.
I do expect them for my troubles as I stated I paid them to have this done and I've had to pay out of my own pocket and basically do it myself.

NM will not issue a temporary tag. I am not a resident of NV so why would they give me one.

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