Car dealership trying to change contract

Shequita Brooks

New Member
Hi I was just wondering about a contract my husband singed at a dealership 2 weeks ago all the paper work has been signed the truck was 26,000 in the window but after all paper was sign came out to be 40,000 which I though was to much but he drove off with the truck but now two weeks later they are calling say he was not approved by the finance company for the truck and he need to bring it back and sign a new contract adding more payments on to be approved for the truck now he did put down 3500 dollar for the truck they are saying either come and sign the new contract or the going to come and take truck back and the money he put down would just be for him test driving it for two weeks they new about his bad credit to start of with and they still let him drive off with the truck for 2 weeks is this breach of contract can I sue them? Or what should he do?
can I sue them?

Neither of you can sue the dealership successfully.

Of course he can sue, but he won't be successful.

what should he do?

He should read the contract and all other paperwork he possesses.

He'll learn that very often vehicles are released to potential buyers CONTINGENT upon being approved for financing.

Each day he keeps the truck, he'll receive FEWER dollars of his $3500 deposit.

If he tarries too long, criminal charges could be filed.

I suggest you tell him to return the truck TODAY, certainly no later than tomorrow.

If he still wants the vehicle, things often can be finalized.
In any future posts, please make an effort to use something that resembles proper capitalization and punctuation. Your post contains 180 words and not a single punctuation mark until the very end where you threw in a couple of question marks. That makes it unnecessarily difficult to read and understand what you wrote.

can I sue them?

Anyone can sue anyone for anything, but nothing in your post suggests that you (as opposed to your husband) have any standing here.

Or what should he do?

He can take the contract he signed to a local attorney for review and advice. That's the only way to determine the merits of what the dealer is demanding.
I agree he needs to return the truck immediately, and in excellent, clean condition.
He will be entitled to a prorated iron if the down payment. He owes for the time he had the vehicle.
He does not have to sign a new agreement unless he really wants to pay way too much.
If his credit is that bad he likely should not be shopping new vehicles anyway. Take advantage of the opportunity to escape 40k in debt.

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