Car sale

Mamie D Monjolo

New Member
North Dakota
I was desperately in need of a transportation so I decided to get a use car from someone who buy cars from the auction fix it and sale them. When I first got in contact with him through Facebook messenger he told me that he have a vehicle but the bumper and trunk needed fixing and once money was on hand he can fix it and get it ready the next day. And if I want it I can give him some money and the car will be ready the next day before 3pm. The vehicle total price was 1800 so I give him 1300 with assurance that the vehicle will be brought to the house before 3pm with the title. The next day he told me that they were doing body work and it was taking longer than expected. He give me a car to use until he drop off the car the next day. His car battery was died so called him and he said that he was on his way to my house to drop off my car. After he arrived I took a look at the car claim was being worked on, it was still the same nothing was fix. And when I ask he don't know what to say but for the fact that I have already given him 1300 I give him few more days to work on the vehicle. Before work the following day I ask for an update he told me that he was personal helping the mechanic to do the work. When he returned the car it was still the same with expired tag. So after work that night I called and texted telling him that I was on longer interested in the car because he kept lying to me about getting it fix, and was also driving it around because the mileage was more than what it was when he first send me the pictures of the car. Plus I only have him that amount of money because he promised to get the car ready the next day. His reply to was....I don't have any money to give you either take the car as it is or you wait until I sell my cars before paying you back. After exchanging several texts and calls he agree to pay 500 on 2/5/19 and pay the rest of the money on the 2/15/19. Since day I been trying to reach him no respons. So we speak he have the title,car, and the money. I have it all in text message
You gave him the money but never took possession of the car and it is not yet titled or registered to you... He owes you a full refund of that money. How to get it is the trick.
Rather than texting or calling you might make an effort to visit his shop and talk directly. Be polite and don't cause a scene, but don't be a pushover either.
If you can't settle your differences your option is to go to small claims court. Get a judge to order him to pay you then try and collect on the judgment.
It is quite a hassle. Hopefully you can resolve this without court, and hopefully you get all of your money back.

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