care givers

daniel venezia

New Member
i have a half brother that has Down Syndrome. On more than one occasion i hve come home to the smell of Marajana and at times what smells like opium in my brothers apartment. thease people also pick up my brother from the YMCA where he like to swim and work out and drive him 8 blocks back to his apartment.

Peter (brother) is 45, he pays his own rent, via a special needs trust set up by mom. his bills are all taken care off by me and Peter via his SSDI. he does not like the smell and i as well, as Peter has not, nor do we do ilegal drugs.

are there any laws on the books that i can show to a police officer or the city atty of Santa Monica, to help put a stop to this. and have those involved arrested.

NOTE: most people i have talked to about this say that since Marajaina has been made legal most cops and city atty, will not pursue the mater?? if this is indeed that case, is there a way to force their hand
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I removed your personal information for your protection, and ours.
I also consolidated BOTH posts into one thread, as we ask you to start only one thread for discussion of your topics.


Your state has relaxed state enforcement of laws against marijuana.
If your calls to your state and local authorities are unsatisfactory, you might consider relocating to a state that enforces laws against illegal drug use.

If you wish to stay in CA, your option might be to move, perhaps purchasing or renting your own, single family home.

Good luck.
If these are hired care givers then you or whomever employs them, can fire them. If your brother does not want them smoking in his apartment, he needs to tell them so. Same with not wanting to ride to the YMCA with them. If your brother needs support in confronting these folks or making other transportation arrangements, certainly you could assist.
the bigest offender is the son of director that over-sees the hireing of gare givers for peter. this indiviual also lives at home with his mother (the diretor) so i can not believe that she is not aware of her sons drug use. this is why i am seeking some sort of legal recorse as leverage
There isn't any. If you are unhappy with the care provided, you need to find another care giver, even if that means going with a different vendor.

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