Carpet restocking fee?

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This incident happened in my home in McKinney, TX. On 6/11/08, a representative of a local carpet retailer came to my house to give me an estimate. He continued to push for the sale, and ultimately I agreed. I signed a contract but later realized that the contract made no mention of the amount of carpet I had ordered, nor did it mention the cost per square foot of the carpet. It also did not contain a sales tax figure. It simply had a total of $6000 at the bottom with no discernable way to conclude how that amount was reached.

On 6/12/08, I decided to cancel the order, stopped payment on my check, and called the carpet company. The representative on the phone said the carpet had not been ordered yet so we were ok to cancel the order.

Today, 7/08/08, I received a certified mail notice indicating that I owe the company a $1500 restocking fee. The company admits that they never physically ordered carpet and never physically restocked it, but claims that the restocking fee is their policy regardless of when I canceled the order. Do I owe them?

Under Texas law, chapter 39 of the Business and Commerce code, for purchases made outside a merchant's business location (like a contract signed in my home), I have 3 days to cancel the contract without penalty. However, their contract made no mention of this nor does it contain the wording as legally required in chapter 39. Are they in violation of that code?

Additionally, since I was not aware that I was required to make the cancellation in writing due to the lack of cancellation policy on their form, does my phone call on 6/12/08 serve as a legal cancellation or do I need to forward them a written notice of cancellation now, even though we are well outside the 3 day window?

Where do I go from here?

Thanks so much for any advice you can offer!!!
You do not owe them according to my knowledge of the UCC and general contract law. Any agreement must state the quantity and price of an item in order to be valid. Without it, the essential items to show a "meeting of the minds" is not present. You may want to point this out. If the store doesn't care, tell them you'll be glad to take the 20,000 square feet of carpet you ordered for delivery at that price.... ;)
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