Casino preying on elderly

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My friends father is 88 years old. When his wife died 3 years ago he started going to the local casino and developed quite a gambling problem. Despite his many promises to stop going, he lost everything and now in failing health has no money to take care of himself. Over a million dollars, reverse mortgaged his home, cashed out his 2 life insurance policies and all his stocks and bonds. While it is true he chose to gamble, his own "hostess" was always calling him encouraging him to come in because they were giving away a car or some other prize, and of course you have to be there and be playing to win. And of course he loved the attention. One of the women working at the casino, 29 years old I believe, had him taking her out to dinner all the time because she just wanted to help him because she knew how lonely he must be after losing his wife. His daughter, my friend, finally got him to self ban himself, but even then he kept going and they didn't kick him out as promised. I feel like they crossed a line here and were preying on a lonely old man. I just wonder if there is a case to be made here as he will soon need full time care and can't afford it, and his daughter can not afford to pay for it either.
Talk to an attorney for him.

Take him with you.

Or, have the attorney meet him at his home.

He might be able to recoup some of his losses.

The fact that he banned himself and they allowed him to continue to gamble might form the basis for some sort of legal action.

Good luck and I wish him well.
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