Kidnapping, Unlawful Detention Casino Security Confiscated Phone During 9-11 Call

I was detained by casino security for about 2 hours. While detained in the room nobody would talk or tell me when the police would show up or when I can be released and refused all requests to make a phone call. I had my cell phone on me so I took it out of my pocket and dialed 9-11. While speaking to an operator, two junior security guys call their boss and tell him I'm using my phone. The head security guy comes in, takes the phone away from me and hangs up on my call to 9-11.

I can't find any information online regarding the legality of confiscated and disconnecting someone's call to 911. Can someone explain if I might have a case here?
I got into a verbal altercation with another patron and they detained both of us. Nothing physical. I was not charged with anything and not issued a no-tresspass order after I was released.
Another why... because casino security treated me like I was some felon on death row. Overly aggressive and unnecessary bullying. I can't believe taking the phone out of someone's hand when they are talking to a 9-11 operator and then hanging up is not breaking some law.
why were you using the cell phone inside the casino, why were you arguing with someone inside the casino. This story doesn't add up, did they give you the choice of the hammer to the hand or the money?
Thank you. Simple answer to a simple question. I knew I'd get a few keyboard cowboys spewing their sanctimonious platitudes. Have a good day.

Your issue, should you choose to pursue your claim is how you'll prove it ever happened.

I doubt seriously whether any of the alleged perpetrators will simply say, "Yes, I/we did everything alleged."

Rather, I suspect, all of the alleged "perps" will play stupid and deny anything that might damage their employment or financial security.

If I were in your position, I'd do my best to forget this sordid event and endeavor to avoid any similar encounters in the future.
Your issue, should you choose to pursue your claim is how you'll prove it ever happened.

I doubt seriously whether any of the alleged perpetrators will simply say, "Yes, I/we did everything alleged."

Rather, I suspect, all of the alleged "perps" will play stupid and deny anything that might damage their employment or financial security.

If I were in your position, I'd do my best to forget this sordid event and endeavor to avoid any similar encounters in the future.
The 911 recording, should it have picked up the scuffle, may be evidence.
Can someone explain if I might have a case here?

A case of what?

Did you get your phone back?

I can't believe taking the phone out of someone's hand when they are talking to a 9-11 operator and then hanging up is not breaking some law.

Let's assume for the sake of discussion that it is illegal. Did any of the persons involved know or have any reason to know you were calling 911? Even if all those things are true, then the persons involved might be subject to criminal prosecution, but you wouldn't "have a case." If you believe a crime was or may have been committed, then you are free to report the matter to the police.

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