Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Caught but I am innocent, looks bad though

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I suspect they are going to sue both the store and the individual (assuming there are grounds). Any attorney that wants to get paid is not going to sue the individual by himself as he is going after the deeper pockets.
well hello again, my gosh if anyone has ever seen the seinfeld episode when George gets the statue stolen by the guy that cleans Jerry's appt and makes some comment about how he is "bitter and this experience has changed him" well that is me LOL, I am bitter, I feel like only shopping naked so I can't hide anything (yeah I know there still is a place but I am making a point) so any advice with my attorney friends just goes on and on and I honestly am sick of this crap, would love to take the advice of the poster who said to just forget about it and move on yet I just realized I may still be screwed.
Can anyone guess?? What about this "Civil Demand Letter" that I am reading about that supposidly is guaranteed to come for a few hundred bucks and does not matter that I did not sign anything and was let go so moving on is not even an option. Is that true? The state I am in is New Jersey and it is a drug store chain, Jersey I am reading is tough, and they can decide after that for a year to prosecute. I am under the impression that the civil demand letter is a givin, is it? I admited nothing, they didn't take me into any little room, it was actually right in the aisle with like 4-5 other employees who all said they never saw me near the area which was at the back of the store (about 100 feet from the front where I came in and was talking with the one clerk), then the security gaurd (who told me he was police) asked about video and they said they may be able to call so and so who handles it but it would take a few hours and he just schrugged like it didn't matter and basically I had to either leave MY products there or pay for them, I needed them and thinking this dude was a cop and going to kick the crap outa me I wanted out of there so I payed for them and was escorted out (and the buzzer went off as usual which suprised the security guard so something is up with the device) and outside yelled at me, cursed me out and told not to return blah blah. Then I walked to my car which was still running the whole time as he didn't let me turn it off when he yanked me out.
So is the civil letter a givin for 13 dollars of stuff they accuse me of even with me paying for it there and not signing anything or getting picture taken or being told of anything comming in the mail. He did take my drivers license and copy it down so he has my info and from what I have read on google, this civil stuff is so easy for them.
and I assume I would be an idiot if I didn't pay the civil demand if it does come as then it goes to court and the laws are basically like extortion and I will be responsable for all the stores legal fees and like 5 X what I could have just paid.
Now, once I pay the civil demand, does it finally end or can they still deside to press charges, can they pull a video and claim I was right at where the product was stocked that day and is was suddenly missing when I left. Seems like it is so easy for them to charge someone I am thinking the worst. I am never leaving the house again!
Lets calm down the likihood they will send such a letter is low as there was no theft! You paid for items! Its not extortion. Retailers los eover 15 billion each year to shoplifting alone and thats not the biggest bulk of their loses! The Civil Demand laws help recoup some of the cost to protect themselves (retailers) from loses.
you are right. There is just to much info on the net and man, I am glad I never shoplifted before, I just honestly thought it was such a stupid crime but didn't realize the impact it has, and I was an idiot for my situation even though I did nothing wrong, if I worked there I would suspect it if the situation was reversed. Sorry to drag the thread on. To much on my mind and my career cannot afford a criminal record even if it is this type of situation.
So last few questions I promise.
Did they file any type of police report or just an internal file at the store?
Is the 1 year to prosecute thing still valid, say I am out at night at a bar, see this security bar, he starts an argument and we yell or fight (I know silly but I am covering all my ground), can he come back to work and say, you know what, that guy we caught a few months ago that we let go easy, well he is trouble, we should prosecute and bam, thats it??
wow, that definatly makes me feel better. I was under the impression that even though I paid for the items (now 2 times) it is my responsability (since I supposadly stole them) and also could be held responsable for the stores time and money spend on security, hence the civil demand letter.
You guys rock! Thank you so much for the help and all the advice, I plan to stick around since this subject now interests me a lot, not sure if I can be of much help but if I can I would love to help anyone out. I will let it be known that I am still bitter about this but I guess I just need to let it go and ride into the sunset. What sucks is being banned from the store because its where our family gets all our prescriptions filled and one family member has a chronic disease that requires like 6 prescriptions per month so I can't be picking them up. Plus my wife is just going to s(*& when I finally tell her this, its going to end up being my fault, "why did you shoplift", I love her to death and she doesn't think I shoplift but we have had some tough times the past 6 months and just now things are getting better and no matter what I am accused of, especially with how this looks, she will think I am just covering things up. Honestly, I think a lawsuit is a waist of time and money, yes I would have to pick up court cost but my friends brothers and cousins who would represent me would not charge me but I think I just want to forget about it and move to another country or something! LOL
Seriously, is there any lawsuit even in this? Would I be entitled to even like $500.00 bucks for all this hassle could I sue for like 100,000 and claim such emotional stress ??
We are not saying you wont get a letter of civil demand just that its unlikely. You can sue if you like but you have no damages. You are welcome to stay here and share your story with others but caution you to not give advice on issues your not familar with.
thanks and I will be sure to watch what I do post. Now, with regards to the civil demand letter, in a previous reply about no police report being filed since i paid for the item, doesn't that kind of negate any civil demand?? Sorry but I am a bit confused now.
The police report is not likely connected to the civil demand (at least it is not so in any state I have heard about). They are separate matters.

You can ignore, deny, or pay any civil demand as you wish. If you did not steal anything, then they likely have no proof to back up a demand. However, if you stole something, were caught, then paid for the item after being caught, you may well have to pay the civil demand or risk civil suit or criminal charges (though I would think that criminal charges in such an instance would be unlikely).
thanks a lot for the help! Well, as I said I didn't steal anything but to all of them it totally seemed like I did, now, no-one saw anything as that was what the guard asked like 4 employees and they all said they only saw me up front with them. But, I did have this product in my pocket still in the package when they brought me back in, even though no-one witnessed anything I basically paid for them because A: I do use the product and need it, and mainly because I was pretty worked up and wanted the ordeal to end since I thought the guard was an actual cop. I mean, they have no witness's to me stealing, but everything else looks so bad it seems impossable to defend myself. I feal like I was on the show "Punked", totally confused and in space as to what was happening. But if the fine is a few hundred bucks that really really stinks and will put me in a tough spot to pay and it makes it worse that I didn't steal it so it's like they are stealing from me for being an idiot. Yikes! I woke up that day in such a great mood too, maybe god is punishing me for those times at the vending machine when a bag of chips was 1/2 hanging off the clip and it came off with the 1st bag so I got 2 bags for my 50 cents! LOL
But wow, now I have to stress over the civil letter.
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