well hello again, my gosh if anyone has ever seen the seinfeld episode when George gets the statue stolen by the guy that cleans Jerry's appt and makes some comment about how he is "bitter and this experience has changed him" well that is me LOL, I am bitter, I feel like only shopping naked so I can't hide anything (yeah I know there still is a place but I am making a point) so any advice with my attorney friends just goes on and on and I honestly am sick of this crap, would love to take the advice of the poster who said to just forget about it and move on yet I just realized I may still be screwed.
Can anyone guess?? What about this "Civil Demand Letter" that I am reading about that supposidly is guaranteed to come for a few hundred bucks and does not matter that I did not sign anything and was let go so moving on is not even an option. Is that true? The state I am in is New Jersey and it is a drug store chain, Jersey I am reading is tough, and they can decide after that for a year to prosecute. I am under the impression that the civil demand letter is a givin, is it? I admited nothing, they didn't take me into any little room, it was actually right in the aisle with like 4-5 other employees who all said they never saw me near the area which was at the back of the store (about 100 feet from the front where I came in and was talking with the one clerk), then the security gaurd (who told me he was police) asked about video and they said they may be able to call so and so who handles it but it would take a few hours and he just schrugged like it didn't matter and basically I had to either leave MY products there or pay for them, I needed them and thinking this dude was a cop and going to kick the crap outa me I wanted out of there so I payed for them and was escorted out (and the buzzer went off as usual which suprised the security guard so something is up with the device) and outside yelled at me, cursed me out and told not to return blah blah. Then I walked to my car which was still running the whole time as he didn't let me turn it off when he yanked me out.
So is the civil letter a givin for 13 dollars of stuff they accuse me of even with me paying for it there and not signing anything or getting picture taken or being told of anything comming in the mail. He did take my drivers license and copy it down so he has my info and from what I have read on google, this civil stuff is so easy for them.