Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Caught shoplifitng at px, scared to death

I'll never do anything stupid again ever! I've never some drugs or anything awful like that. I don't care how little or big it is, I'll never ever get in trouble again! I learned a valuable lesson with this! I'm still embarrassed, but it happened, and gotta be a big girl and accept what's done is done.
Well still no court date 7 weeks later, and still no Ban letter in mail. I went to visitors center to have them check my ban, and they said it's only 90 days and that's the one put in the system, I think the initial one day of arrest was 90 days. It's over halfway over with. I even called the CGs office and talked to his secretary, who had no clue what was going on. Nobody does! If they don't pursue it, then do they notify you in the mail!? Ty again everyone! Found out my baby is a girl and she's healthy! So focusing on her and happy! My husband told me just to let it go now, and if it happens, it happens, and I'll get it eventually
Ty! The jag office just called me this morning. They aren't pursuing it and dropping it!!!! I called the CG office last week, because I kept getting the run around! Thank you everyone for the help! This is a second chance and trust me I won't take it for granted!!!!
Last ?, I called the central violations bureau, and asked if I could throw the ticket away, they told me even though the jag office said they aren't filing charges or pursing it, that they will still give me a court date and the ticket won't just disappear!? The lady who schedules the cases told me it's over and that's that. What happens to the ticket if they don't pursue charges!? Ty
Last ?, I called the central violations bureau, and asked if I could throw the ticket away, they told me even though the jag office said they aren't filing charges or pursing it, that they will still give me a court date and the ticket won't just disappear!? The lady who schedules the cases told me it's over and that's that. What happens to the ticket if they don't pursue charges!? Ty

The federal magistrate adjudicates traffic citations, and other offenses allegedly committed by civilians on military bases.

Contact the federal magistrate's court clerk.

The number and website can be found via any search engine.

Again, just wait it out.

What you need to know might already be posted on the court's website.

The ticket must have a disposition.

Better yet, just appear tomorrow at the on base courthouse and inquire in person.
I called them and spoke to a clerk, he told me to call the lady at the jag office and her name and number, the same lady who called and told me case isn't going anywhere and they aren't pursuing it. I'm banned from post, unless for medical or other approved things! They told me even though they dropped case, I'm still banned. I don't care about being banned. I'm just glad And thankful they aren't pressing charges. Ty for the answer!
I called them and spoke to a clerk, he told me to call the lady at the jag office and her name and number, the same lady who called and told me case isn't going anywhere and they aren't pursuing it. I'm banned from post, unless for medical or other approved things! They told me even though they dropped case, I'm still banned. I don't care about being banned. I'm just glad And thankful they aren't pressing charges. Ty for the answer!

WOW, your post above seemed to say the issue was being dropped.

I thought you meant the shoplifting beef, but you got banned.

Hard to say now, because with the lengthy delay, no bans usually get issued.
In most cases the ban comes down within 48 hours.

Just stay alert, because they might be digging up dirt.

Be very careful, don't miss any court dates, and take care of the little baby.
It was dropped, the ban is from may 30th, before they dropped it. The letter says it's a final decision and can't be appealed. They just never mailed it out. I went and got a copy of it. I don't know what dirt there is to dig. I did call the commanding generals office last week and told them the jag office was rude and kept changing stories! They called me Friday and said they would find out what was going on, and then the lady called me Monday and said they aren't doing anything with it. I still got a copy of the letter. I wanted to see what it said. They told me there won't be a court date at all. They said it was reviewed and prosecutor decided not to move forward with it. So I hope that's the end....
I don't wanna keep calling the jag office and bothering them. I wish husband never called the cvb. Def taking car of baby! Very excited about meeting her!!!!
It was dropped, the ban is from may 30th, before they dropped it. The letter says it's a final decision and can't be appealed. They just never mailed it out. I went and got a copy of it. I don't know what dirt there is to dig. I did call the commanding generals office last week and told them the jag office was rude and kept changing stories! They called me Friday and said they would find out what was going on, and then the lady called me Monday and said they aren't doing anything with it. I still got a copy of the letter. I wanted to see what it said. They told me there won't be a court date at all. They said it was reviewed and prosecutor decided not to move forward with it. So I hope that's the end....

Might have been revenge for calling them. Some people are petty and live to mess over others, hard to know for sure. Best to stay away from tat crew.
Exactly what my husband said! They aren't very nice in the jag office! I went there and wondered why I was so worried, when I saw how incompetent they were in person! I was nice. I just got fed up with how rude they were and nasty over the phone, it was making my blood pressure sky high. I wasn't trying to get out of anything, I just wanted to make sure nothing would interfere with drs appointments or my kids schooling. There's a way to be pleasant and nice to people. The gentleman told me Monday, well it's better to get the ban then go to court! So maybe it was cause I complained
Sooooo, found out today nothing was drafted and no charges will be filed 100 percent, they don't send out letters stating no charges, they just don't draft them and it's over!!!! So that's that and I'm not gonna shake a hornets nest and keep calling or bothering them! Just gonna be thankful it's over with and learn from it

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