Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft caught shoplifting (NEED HELP FAST)

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At the beginning of December I was arrested for shoplifting at Walmart. I took two dvds in the amount of 33$. The first week in January I am to appear in magistrate court once for each offense. There are currently two charges against me (1) destruction of property and (2) theft by shoplifting.

(1) While being held by security in walmart I signed a paper saying I was guilty of shoplift because security found the empty dvd cases and the dvds were in my pocket when they apprended me. I dont think the security cameras saw me but I might have been seen by a secret shopper.

(2) I am to appear in magistrate court for an appearance bond for theft by shoplifting. Does this mean I might go to jail or I just have to pay the bond of 500$?

What I want to know is (1) what can I do to stay out of jail (2) Is there a way for this not to go on my record (3) Is a public defender a good idea?

Age= 20
State= Georgia
Priors= none (except one speeding ticket)
School= in college

THANKS in advance!!!!
(1) If this is the first offense you will most probably not go to jail

(2) May be. I don't know the details of Georgia law, but many states have some provisions that some convictions can be expunged.

(3) If you can get a public defender, it is always a good idea. You talk to him about (2)

NYClex thanks for for your previous advice I greatly appreciate it.

I have just a few more questions. Unfortunately I might not be able to get a lawyer for my case next week, but I found out that in Georgia, there is something called first offenders probation. With this probation if I get through it with no future problems, then my record would be cleared.

My question is how do I ask for such a punishment in a court of law(magistrate court)?

Thanks in advance,
Never sign anything. In fact keep your mouth shut during the process. Generally though the whole process should be pain free. I don't know of anyone in Canada (I know you're in the US) that has done time for shop lifting the first time. Probation is still probation: it still implies a criminal record until your period is over.

Keep a record of the total cost this process is going to be and I know for a fact that even if you go on the cheap it's going to cost you a lot more than $33.
Best way is to have a lawyer to do that. If not, ask the judge. Judges know that most people have no background in law, so don't bother about the correct terms etc. You might even ask the judge's clerk, sometimes they are helpful and tell you the correct terms. But rather admit your lack of knowledge than to ask for the wrong thing. Explain to the judge what you want in your words.

Here in PA you will get a 60 day continuance as a "Trial Period" if you stay out of trouble for thoes 60 days you will get a $100 fine and Restitution... And I have never had the judge deny anyones request to get it ARD'd
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