Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Caught Shoplifting


New Member
North Carolina
I shoplifted a $3 stick of deodorant. Store owner brought me back inside after I set the alarm off and proceeded to call the police. She said she wanted to press charges and I was promptly arrested. I was brought to the magistrates office and let out on a $1,000 bond that will double and have to be repaid if I don't show up to court. What do I do? I don't know how to deal with this situation or how to get a lawyer or how to plead or anything, I tried to ask the cop but he wouldn't tell me anything about court.
What do I do?

It's shoplifting, so hardly the crime of the century. Do you know the specific statute you've been charged with violating? It will probably look something like this: "G.S. 14-xx.yy." It's probably a misdemeanor and will result in a fine of a few hundred $$ You may also get hit with a demand to pay a civil penalty. You might want to google "north carolina shoplifting" to get some additional info, but only someone local to the court where your case is pending will be able to give you specific procedural info.
You admit you were caught shoplifting.
Shoplifting is a crime. You are a criminal.face it! Go to court. Say sorry. And accept your punishment
Job done. Don't do it again.

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It's shoplifting, so hardly the crime of the century. Do you know the specific statute you've been charged with violating? It will probably look something like this: "G.S. 14-xx.yy." It's probably a misdemeanor and will result in a fine of a few hundred $$ You may also get hit with a demand to pay a civil penalty. You might want to google "north carolina shoplifting" to get some additional info, but only someone local to the court where your case is pending will be able to give you specific procedural info.

It's I 14-72.1(A) but when I look it up it seems to be a class 1 misdemeanor which is I think up to 120 days in jail and a $1,000 fine or something like that and that just doesn't seem right for a $3 piece of merchandise.
Show up to court and ask about diversion programs. If you are a first time offender it's unlikely they will try and prosecute you over this. You'll more likely get routed through another program that will not leave you with a criminal record. Expect to pay fines and fees associated with the program.
You can contact and speak with any criminal defense attorney you choose in the mean time.
Otherwise, show up to court, plead not guilty, and see what they say about appointed counsel. You likely won't get appointed counsel in this case, but you can always ask.
Otherwise, show up to court, plead not guilty, and see what they say about appointed counsel. You likely won't get appointed counsel in this case, but you can always ask.
If I plead not guilty what happens? Do I go back to court another date and get an option for a lawyer from the court? And what is appointed counsel?
I know. I'm just worried about what the punishment is going to be.

(e) Punishment. - For a first conviction under subsection (a) or (d), or for a subsequent conviction for which the punishment is not specified by this subsection, the defendant shall be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor. The term of imprisonment may be suspended only on condition that the defendant perform community service for a term of at least 24 hours....

If a first offense it seems you can expect a minimum of 24 hours community service, plus court fees.
Well, truthfully, the court won't offer a lawyer to represent you with this. You can hire you own if you like.
Your court date is for what is called an arraignment- a formal reading of the charges against you. At this arraignment you should be presented with some options. You should choose, or at least ask about the optionss that do not result in a conviction. These include attending classes, community service, etc and are very common for first time offenders. It should all be explained clearly at that time.
Do not go in and just plead guilty. That is always the worst possible thing you can do.
They will want to make quick work of your case and won't have any interest in drawing it out any longer than necessary.
Well, truthfully, the court won't offer a lawyer to represent you with this. You can hire you own if you like.
Your court date is for what is called an arraignment- a formal reading of the charges against you. At this arraignment you should be presented with some options. You should choose, or at least ask about the optionss that do not result in a conviction. These include attending classes, community service, etc and are very common for first time offenders. It should all be explained clearly at that time.
Do not go in and just plead guilty. That is always the worst possible thing you can do.
They will want to make quick work of your case and won't have any interest in drawing it out any longer than necessary.
So is it possible they could give me a list of options to do so I don't have to go to jail? Like if you complete 30 hours of community service and pay this $100 fine then it won't go on your record if not, you go to jail? Thank you guys for replying so much and so quick, it really helps out.
It's I 14-72.1(A) but when I look it up it seems to be a class 1 misdemeanor which is I think up to 120 days in jail and a $1,000 fine or something like that and that just doesn't seem right for a $3 piece of merchandise.

G.S. 14-72-1(e) provides as follows: "For a first conviction under subsection (a) or (d), . . . the defendant shall be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor. The term of imprisonment may be suspended only on condition that the defendant perform community service for a term of at least 24 hours." If this is your first offense, the "term of imprisonment" is 1-10 days, and I suspect that community service is imposed far more regularly than any actual imprisonment. The maximum fine is $200.

You admit you were caught shoplifting.
Shoplifting is a crime. You are a criminal.face it! Go to court. Say sorry. And accept your punishment
Job done. Don't do it again.

Such a helpful response.... /s

If I plead not guilty what happens? Do I go back to court another date and get an option for a lawyer from the court? And what is appointed counsel?

Again, only someone local is going to be able to provide specific procedural info. Appointed counsel is exactly that. The U.S. Constitution provides that a person unable to afford an attorney may have one appointed by the court, but this right only applies if incarceration is on the table. The prosecutor could effectively defeat your right to appointed counsel by announcing an intent not to seek any jail time.

So is it possible they could give me a list of options to do so I don't have to go to jail? Like if you complete 30 hours of community service and pay this $100 fine then it won't go on your record if not, you go to jail?

The prosecutor may or may not make a plea bargain offer, or you could initiate the discussion.
I am a Retail Theft consultant and answer questions like yours daily. Go into court plead "not guilty" and request public defender. Judge will advise you from there. When you meet this Lawyer ask about options. Be sure to ask about ACD or Diversion which could protect your record

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