Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Caught stealing from job

So just an update I have received a letter from the company and they have made the decision to terminate me ..which I knew would happen eventually .. Anyways I have to pay the company back and in the lette had something in it about how the company has decided to proceed in civil and criminal actions .. I called the lady who is in charge of my investigation and she said that the letter is global and some wording was not changed . she said that their final decision was to just let me pay with payments and move on from the situation .. Won't have to go to court, won't go on my criminal record .. Thank you god .. But I have to keep hope and pray because I never know what they could do
They have until the statute of limitations expires to file criminal case so dont provoke that action by not paying or giving late payments. If contacted by Police DA etc do as your told say NOTHING! Its also possible your name will go into a Retail theft database which will make working retail VERY difficult
They have until the statute of limitations expires to file criminal case so dont provoke that action by not paying or giving late payments. If contacted by Police DA etc do as your told say NOTHING!

Okay thank you so much for your advice and I will make the payments on time every month because I can't live with this forever ..lesson learned

But most jobs will call your former employer for references, and it IS legal, despite what you may have heard, for them to tell a prospective employer exactly why you were fired.

But most jobs will call your former employer for references, and it IS legal, despite what you may have heard, for them to tell a prospective employer exactly why you were fired.

Honestly I was not going to list that last job on my job history because i know they will call
How long did you work for them? If it was longer than about a month, a hiring manager IS going to ask you what you were doing during that time. Is your plan to lie?
How long did you work for them? If it was longer than about a month, a hiring manager IS going to ask you what you were doing during that time. Is your plan to lie?

Yes basically . if I say I worked there they will call the job ! And what if they tell them what I was fired for
Lying will get you fired, too. And it's a LOT easier than you might think to get caught in that lie. And then you have two firings that you have to account for when you work the next job.

Listen, sport. I'm a former hiring manager. I'm the one who used to interview you and call the former employers, and I'm the one who got the calls from others. I'm giving it to you straight, here. You are MUCH better off admitting what you did and acknowledging what you've learned from it than you are lying about it.

I mean that. I don't come here to steer people in the wrong direction. Yes, you will probably lose a few jobs because this before you get one. But if you get fired for lying about your theft, it's going to be even harder to get the next one. DO NOT LIE ABOUT IT.

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