Cease and desist letter

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Need to send a cease and desist letter from an attorney to require a client to uninstall software due to a violation of their license agreement. The violation is that the license requires an annual subscription payment and they are not making the payment. We believe this makes them in violation of our agreement and of copyright law since their license is no longer valid. How much should it cost to get this type of letter?
Attorneys charge $300 to $400 per hour. Figure two hours for the attorney to interview you, review your contract, draft and send the letter. Then count on paying for more hours if your client ignores the letter.

Probably a lot cheaper to just sue him in small claims court for the payment.

In the future I suggest you build your software with a built in kill switch that turns it off at the end of a year unless the client pays the bill and gets a password good for another year.

Can't imagine that it would be too difficult to build in that feature.

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