Change from widow's benefits


New Member
South Carolina
I recently became eligible to receive widow benefits from my 2nd husband. However, once I reach full retirement age, I would be able to receive a substantially higher amount from my still living ex-husband (married 16 years.) If I choose Widow's benefits now, can I later change to the Divorced Spouse? I've searched the official site, and have found that I can change to my own, but cannot find this answer. I will be going to the local office soon, so if yes, please let me know where to look for the information to show them if necessary.
If a person is eligible for SS spousal payments, SS awards the amount based upon which benefit pays the recipient more moolah.

If Egbert was married to Myrtle and then Ethel, and would receive $400 a month via Myrtle, but $900 a month via Ethel, Egbert would be awarded $900 a month from his marriage to Ethel.

I suggest you search the Social Security website for a more detailed explanation applicable to your situation.

You can call SS, or even visit a local office to see which spousal benefit is appropriate for you.

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