I'm going to stay out of the store for ever. Another thing I forgot to mention.. I received a fb friend request this morning, I dont know the person but clicked on where it said it was his son... and his son is the Lp that was yelled excuse me to me...... says he works at Wal-Mart and I could 100% tell it was him. Im thinking they are trying to set me up, so I deleted my fb account. I went from being a happy positive person to being in constant fear. Yes they do have my address there My debit card and I'm sure licence plate number. I'm so extremely scared. And even more regretful
If the police obtain a warrant, the best thing you can do is be polite, stay calm, follow their instructions, and cooperate with the arrest.
The good news is you'll be able to make bail.
If you've got a clean record, ties to the community, you should be able to get bond on your signature to appear, much like a traffic ticket.
The cops will try to trick you into discussing the case.
Whenever they bring up the store, case, charge, simply say, "Sorry, I invoke, I will use my right to remain silent, and I want a lawyer."
It's okay to give name, address, employment, social security number, etc...
Just stop talking if anything about the case is asked.
For example, "By the way, were you near XYZ GROCERY yesterday?"
If that comes up, shut up, and look confused.
When you see the judge, plead not guilty, and ask if you qualify for a public defender.
Again, don't say anything about the INCIDENT.
You can talk to a couple local lawyers about how this plays out in your county.
The initial meeting is about 15-30 minutes, often offered at no charge.
You get to ask questions about how these things are handled.
Whatever you do, don't try to explain it, as you did here (to the cops, the judge, or anyone).
The topic is TABOO for you, talking about it is bad JUJU.