I was caught changing price tags at a store & now I'm being charged with 5th degree theft. I plead not guilty thinking I could get it deferred or plead down to a fine & or community service to keep it off my record. I don't want a theft charge hanging over me for the rest of my life. I can't afford an attorney as I'm currently unemployed & I'm not eleglible for court appointed attorney because it's a simple misdemeanor & they're not seeking jail time. My only option is to win the lottery so I can afford a lawyer or represent myself. I don't know the first thing about representing myself What do I do? I'm freeking out?
I am a Retail Theft Consultant and answer questions like yours daily. Even if you cannot afford an Attorney you can surely get a free office visit to get your answers.
I am a Retail Theft Consultant and answer questions like yours daily. Even if you cannot afford an Attorney you can surely get a free office visit to get your answers.
Handling this on your own isn't so bad so long as you don't go in to it blindly.
Knowing that jail time isn't an option that really only leaves probation and fines to be concerned with You will want to know about any diversion programs available that could keep the whole thing off your record.
If you don't know what your options are you won't know how to get the best deal.
Talk to as many resources a possible and go in prepared and knowing what a typical outcome is.... But obviously the best option is to find a way to get reprrsentation.
I'm being charged with 5th degree theft. I plead not guilty thinking I could get it deferred or plead down to a fine & or community service to keep it off my record.
You seem to be confused. "5th degree theft" is a charge (just like armed robbery or solicitation or murder). Fines and community service are forms of punishment that are handed out if you are convicted of the crime with which you've been charged. Under Iowa law, fifth degree theft is the lowest level theft crime and is a simple misdemeanor. It is therefore difficult to understand how you could "plead down" from that charge. According to this unverified source, fifth degree theft is punishable by a fine between $65 and $625 and/or a jail sentence of no more than 30 days. I would imagine that, if you are a first-time offender, jail time is not a realistic possibility (and you told us that the prosecutor isn't seeking jail time), but only a local criminal defense attorney will be able to advise you competently about this and the availability of options that might keep this off your record.
That's for you to decide. You made a stupid decision and stupid decisions often have unpleasant consequences. All you can do is approach the prosecutor about a plea bargain, but don't expect that he or she will be looking out for your best interests.