I have decided to fill out the forms to file chapter 7 on my own.
So far, I am doing pretty good, My question is this: It says I can claim some property exempt under Governing Law. I live in New York State.
Am I able to claim all my household furnishings? such as furniture, TV, PC etc.?
Can I claim the vehicle that I just bought. Its a 2001 Chevy Blazer, 65,000 miles. I paid $9,900.00 and entered into a loan at $325,00 per month. I have not even made my first payment on it as of yet.
If I am able to claim any of the above, Do I use the Schedule C - Property As Exempt form ? If so, How do i know which specific law I state for these particular exemptions. theyhave a box for that as well
thank you
So far, I am doing pretty good, My question is this: It says I can claim some property exempt under Governing Law. I live in New York State.
Am I able to claim all my household furnishings? such as furniture, TV, PC etc.?
Can I claim the vehicle that I just bought. Its a 2001 Chevy Blazer, 65,000 miles. I paid $9,900.00 and entered into a loan at $325,00 per month. I have not even made my first payment on it as of yet.
If I am able to claim any of the above, Do I use the Schedule C - Property As Exempt form ? If so, How do i know which specific law I state for these particular exemptions. theyhave a box for that as well
thank you