Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse Charge dropped by the state of FL, backround check says adjudication withheld?

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Shamefully, 8 years ago, I was pulled over by the police after leaving my bartending job and was stopped and searched. I was arrested for cocaine (small amount found in a pocket of a jacket in the back of my car) possession and dui with refusal. I chose drug court since it was explained that if I met all of the requirements that the state would drop the charges. I met all of the requirements, and stood in the courtroom the day the charges were dropped where I clearly heard someone (state's attorney?) say to me "the state of Florida hearby drops the charges". I noticed in the county courthouse paperwork filed on that very date with "adjudication withheld" stamped across it which prompted my to have a backround check conductud on myself and the attorney told me the same thing. How can this be?

My main issue is with the dui that was reduced to a reckless driving. I obviously had an attorney represent me. At the time, I was under the impression that getting the dui reduced was a wonderful thing since reckless driving wasn't necessarily criminal and I could get it sealed/expunged. Boy, was I wrong! I have been trying to get the information on how the reckless was closed. What are the chances my lawyer would have gotten me an adjudication withheld (yes, that would be a good thing in this charge)? What makes a judge decide between guilty and adjutication withheld in these instances?

This mistake has caused me repercussions that I have been dealing with and will continue to deal with for a life time. I have a very good job. That being said, it is working for my family business! I feel like my options are severely limited. For instance, why finish my Bachelors......I will never get any other job! I live my life in constant fear that this is going to make me suffer forever.

My questions are, if not clearly stated above:

1. Why is my dropped drug charge showing up as an adjudication withheld?
2. What are the chances that my attorney was able to plea the reckless with adjudication withheld?

Please excuse my verbage and typos.
Shamefully, 8 years ago, I was pulled over by the police after leaving my bartending job and was stopped and searched. I was arrested for cocaine (small amount found in a pocket of a jacket in the back of my car) possession and dui with refusal. I chose drug court since it was explained that if I met all of the requirements that the state would drop the charges. I met all of the requirements, and stood in the courtroom the day the charges were dropped where I clearly heard someone (state's attorney?) say to me "the state of Florida hearby drops the charges". I noticed in the county courthouse paperwork filed on that very date with "adjudication withheld" stamped across it which prompted my to have a backround check conductud on myself and the attorney told me the same thing. How can this be?

My main issue is with the dui that was reduced to a reckless driving. I obviously had an attorney represent me. At the time, I was under the impression that getting the dui reduced was a wonderful thing since reckless driving wasn't necessarily criminal and I could get it sealed/expunged. Boy, was I wrong! I have been trying to get the information on how the reckless was closed. What are the chances my lawyer would have gotten me an adjudication withheld (yes, that would be a good thing in this charge)? What makes a judge decide between guilty and adjutication withheld in these instances?

This mistake has caused me repercussions that I have been dealing with and will continue to deal with for a life time. I have a very good job. That being said, it is working for my family business! I feel like my options are severely limited. For instance, why finish my Bachelors......I will never get any other job! I live my life in constant fear that this is going to make me suffer forever.

My questions are, if not clearly stated above:

1. Why is my dropped drug charge showing up as an adjudication withheld?
2. What are the chances that my attorney was able to plea the reckless with adjudication withheld?

Please excuse my verbage and typos.

No one on this site has access to information about your court case.
The attorney that represented you may be able to help.
Write him/her a letter, asking the things you need to know.
Or, go visit him/her and ask your questions.

You can also speak with an attorney and see if you can get your records expunged.
That attorney can also tell you if your records can be sealed.
The initial consultation is free.
You can discuss his/her fees at that time.

Your problem is complex and can not be resolved on an anonymous internet forum.
You need to do real things and see real people.
There are solutions to your dilemma.
Seek them.

Every choice we make has consequences.
You made a poor choice eight years ago.
You're paying for that choice today.

Don't make another poor choice today by dropping out of school.
No one can take the knowledge you're gaining from you.
Life has many twists and turns.
This is but one of them.
Stay in school, complete your degree, no matter what.
At least you have family that loves and supports you.
Many people don't have that!
Thank you Army Judge. After this incident, I was so traumatized that I think when it was over, I really wanted it to be over and ran away from it rather than deal with the aftermath. Well, poor decisions like this have consequences that last a lifetime. I sought an attorney to do the backround check hoping he would be able to tell me if it was possible to seal my record. He told me to get my deposition from the reckless driving since it didn't show up on my backround check, which is odd, since the charge that was dropped shows up as adjudication withheld and the charge I am concerned with does not show up?

You are right, I need to get answers. I have just been too afraid to seek them.
You are way too excited about this. Adjudication withheld is not a bad thing. Finish your degree.
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