Other Criminal Procedure Charges dismissed?

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There is a woman who was pulled over for a cracked windshield the officer detained the driver outside the car and let the drug dog get inside without drivers consent there was drugs and a scale discovered in the purse and the driver was put under arrest and charged with intent to distribute possession and paraphernalia bond was set 10,000. Then at preliminary court she was released on a P.R bond (she does not have a job). Then on her next court appearance the district attorney stated that the people of the State of Colorado wished to dismiss charges at this time and she walked out of court. What reason(s) would they have to allow her to walk free.
There is a woman who was pulled over for a cracked windshield the officer detained the driver outside the car and let the drug dog get inside without drivers consent there was drugs and a scale discovered in the purse and the driver was put under arrest and charged with intent to distribute possession and paraphernalia bond was set 10,000. Then at preliminary court she was released on a P.R bond (she does not have a job). Then on her next court appearance the district attorney stated that the people of the State of Colorado wished to dismiss charges at this time and she walked out of court. What reason(s) would they have to allow her to walk free.

There is NO way that any of us could say with certainty WHY the state allegedly dropped the charges.

The search might have been illegal, the fruits of the search "paraphernalia", usually don't amount to much a "real crime" (without other charges, many persecutors tend to drop such charges), the woman might have been "well connected" in the area with VERY POWERFUL persons, or the defendant may have chosen to "cooperate" with the state and "snitch" out drug dealers and/or suppliers in the area.

As I said, no one can KNOW in this case, but those are some of the reasons these types of cases get dismissed.
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