Charges from the school, not by illinois judicial system

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Hi, I was recently out and about down in Carbondale Illinois. I am a student at SIU. I am currently seeking advice on how to go about my upcoming school hearing. I was out with my friend and his two roommates, going to the bars to pick up some women. My friend and one of his roommates had found two ladies, so me and the other roommate had gone to more bars and had finally ended up back by the dorms by the smoking section to talk to the other people at the bars walking back home. there are two benches adjacent to each other. bench one was filled with three people, and bench two had only one person on it. My friends' roommate and I sat down on bench two. I was on the end, and he was between me and the other stranger. The stranger on bench two brought up the topic of marijuana, and paraphernalia. He pulls it out and shows it to everyone sitting at the smoking section. I did not touch it, nor consume marijuana that night. He or my friends' roommate began to smoke it. The stranger proceeds to put the pipe away and then the cops come right on by and ask everyone for ID's. After ID's were handed out, my friends' roommate began to become irritated and verbally combative with the police officers and was taken away in handcuffs. The cops then ran the ID's looking for priors, and warrants. Everyone was searched then let go. That happened on August 25th, 2013 1:54AM

On September 3rd, 2013, I was sent a formal email by the school requesting a hearing. I was charged with one count on three acts of misconduct.

2.5 Offenses Related to Health, Welfare, or Safety/2.5.3 Controlled substances

2.5 Offenses Related to Health, Welfare, or Safety/ Possession of Paraphernalia

2.9 Other Acts of Misconduct/2.9.2. Knowingly Present.

My concern and questions are how do I handle this? If found guilty I lose my financial aid. I know I am not guilty, I had talked to my friends' roommate and he agreed I am not guilty and as well had expressed that he would testify on my behalf that I was not apart of that and as well as that I was not in possession of a controlled substance and of Paraphernalia.

My biggest concern is 2.9.2 and that charge means that I knew of illegal activity and that I did not remove myself from the situation.
Guilty of which offense? I currently have found information of state vs omot which might be able to help me sway panel at the hearing
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