Chased away from the gas pump by a Mad Man

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I went into a local convienent store,(a store that I have traded with for 20yrs.)About three months ago maybe June 2008,I notice that the new cashier is a girl of whom I don`t personally know,But I remember her as one that my friend knew.I also remember a confrontation between my friend and this lady at another store in town some 20+years ago.Of course I chose to side with my friend in the ordeal and probably had some verbal input @that time.We all do crazy things ,have teenage quarrels,etc. while young,so I`m thinking we`ve grown up,All is well.I visited the store in question a second time with this same girl being the cashier and on my third visit,(this taking place,my visits over about the three months)Well on my third visit she accepts my money for gas.I say Thank You,and take my change,she then looks at me and says,I don`t want you back in this store!As I approach the door I turn to respond to her well M--------- you`re not the boss here and I`ve done you no wrong.She becomes very angry and loud as she yells to me I said don`t come back in here,I`ve already checked into having Tresspass Notice put upon you and I can do it Bitch!I replied FINE--and exited the store.I was pumping in my gas and I notice that two men are coming out the door which I had exited from and once outside they both began shouting at me "That they meant it"I better never come back to this F----- store and so on.The older of the two men stopped just outside the door but the younger proceeded in my direction,still yelling things at me.I become very afraid,unaware of who this guy is and why he`s still approaching me so I hang the gas pump up,not getting all that I had just payed for and quickly jump into my vehicle with him more quickly approaching @this time .I crank and sped away to what I thought was to safety.There is an Ingle`s grocer along with other shopping stores just behind this store where I had stopped,As I`m driving down the main strip in front of Ingle`s trying to get myself together,obviously very shook-up from the corner of my eye I notice a car coming towards me at a high rate of speed,I turn to see that this same guy,the one that was approaching me at the pump was coming straight at me.I gas on it to avoid being rammed by this guy,almost hitting aan eldery pedestrian,unaware of what is happening in the parking lot that he just walked out into.I`am rapidly speeding through the shopping center to get away from this person.I dash out into the highway into the medien accelerating more and more,to dangerous and illegal speeds,trying to escape him,unsure of what is thinking process is ,his intentions,not knowing what he`s gonna do!I make a right turn ,then into the drive of a closed business,he closely follows,at times I`m letting the steeering wheel go and I`m screaming because he is so close,we`re going so fast,I`m thinking that he`s fixing to make me wreck.When I veer to the drive to the right,he reverses his car again straight towards mine.I`m losing control of myself,my driving and my nerves!!I manage to head back into the same direction we just traveled,I disobeyed the Stop sign,never looked for oncoming traffic and jolted my vehicle back out into the 4 lane Highway and I rapidly speeded to the next store about 1/2mi. up the road on the right.I stop my car throw it into gear,jump out,enter the store in a plea for help!I ask them to please call the police.I`am so shook-up from what just happened to me,that I was starting to hyperventilate,loss of my voice,my nerves so shaking,I felt like I was fixing to have a heart-attack!!!I have never been so scared in my entire life,I was running for my life,I`m not sure exactly the limit this guy would have had,Had I not have veered back into the highway and got away from him.His intentions,for all I know we`re to harm me or take my life and the impact left on me from it all has me overwhelmed and I have good days and bad days.Never have I been chased by a crazed driver in a vehicle before and I`m devestated.Once the Police finally arrive,he has in his hand none other than the famous"NO TRESSPASS"notice.His first words to me we`re is your last name still Trotter?He explains to me that he is serving this notice to me and that after finished He will hear my complaint.I tell him my story and he says get into your vehicle and follow me back down to the store.The cashier didn`t tell him anything other than wanting to get me served with the notice.Once there,after threatening her with jail time if she did not release the names of the two men that followed me out of the store and later the one chasing me in his car she confessed that the older man was her friend,the damaging man,the crazed maniac was the son of her assistant manager,she explains to this cop(probably friend)of hers that the reason for everything thyat both men did was to obtain my license plate number..Keep in mind that aat first approach from the police officer,he needed only verification as to whether or not my last name had changed.She knew my name!!!!!!!No need for the hell that she(the cashier)allowed herself and those men to put me through..I still am dealing with flash backs and fear from that road rage!I`m upset,should her,them,the franchise operation or someone have to pay me for damages?
Your post is entirely too long, and without paragraphs, it is very hard to read. I suggest you shorten it, and use some white space!

As for your damages, what are they? You said that you're still upset, but you didn't mention how this has hurt you monetarily.
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