Naturalization, Citizenship Cherokee Descendent

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New Member
I don't know if this is where I should post this note, but I need to post it somewhere.

I have been told that if I have a certain amount of American-Indian blood in my veins, and can prove it, then I would be able to apply for certain grants or awards (or something to this affect). I would like to have the facts on this and any corrections regarding this issue.

I am 1/8 Cherokee (my father's grandmother on his father's side). I don't know if this is enough and I have no clue how to prove it. What documents do I need? Does this apply to me?

This is not legal advice!


If you would like to check on your Ancestors a good place to start is
They also have lots of links to other sites, the internet now boast a vast amount of knolledge on everyone.

As for grants I would not know? But as for family, you would be supprised what you will find out and where your Ancesters were and where some of your family are now!

It is a very interesting path to take but can be very long, I have been tracing my family for at "least" 10 years, you will however meet some very interesting people along the way. So good luck and enjoy yourself hunting for your past.

One last thing, never take anything anyone states to you as "Gosple" always check how they obtained their information.

Cherokee Descendant

Thanks for you help.

I'm not taking this for "Gospel," that's why I'm here. I asked for the facts because I need to know if it is true or not and I wanted to know if (assuming true) 1/8 would be enough. Also, I have heard this twice, both times from very smart people.

I looked at rootsweb, it truly is interresting. The only problem is I am not ready to pay for anything online yet.

Thanks again.
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