I was wondering what age someone has to be to legally sign over there rights to their son. The person was 17 when this hhappenedand he felt forced to sign over his rights. Is this a lelegally binding contract and if so is there anything he can do to regain full or partial custody of his child. They had a spoken agreement for visitation that the other person is not upholding. Thank you for your time.
If you've been snookered into abandoning your child by signing away your parental rights before a court of law, the child is no longer yours.
You are to the child what I would be, a LEGAL STRANGER.
By petitioning he court to allow you to relinquish your parental rights, there's not much you can do today to have them restored.
As you were not yet a legal adult, being that you medicate you were but 17 years old at the time this occurred, there might be a sliver of hope. Heck, the entire event might have been staged to make you believe you signed away your rights.
So, what might you do to prove you really did relinquish your parental rights?
Well, you could take all the documents you possess relative to this matter to a local attorney.
You ask the lawyer to review the documents and tell you what's what, and if it really occurred as you believe it did.
The lawyer will do that for the negotiated fee, and inform you as to the true outcome.
The oral visitation agreement is meaningless and strange.
That could indicate that you never legally relinquished your rights.
So, tomorrow see a couple attorneys and engage one to let you know the truth.
You might not have given away anything, except you were outsmarted.