Child Custody

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: NC

My baby is 2 months old and her father hasn't made an attempt to see her. He is a two time felon and he doesn't like to work. I would like to know do I have grounds to have his parental rights terminated? He don't have his own home, transportation, or job. He was served with child support papers two weeks ago, but I don't forsee him paying like he should.
And you liked him enough to have a baby by him? Courts don't like to terminate parental rights but you may have a good case. You will need to hire an attorney and he will probably want around 1500 if it is uncontested.
Courts don't like to terminate parental rights but you may have a good case.

Does NC do that without a step parent to adopt the child? I don't see that happening until it's been at least a year with no contact or support, and maybe not even then without someone to take over the responsibility.
He was good enough to gave a baby by. If you do not want him involved then you do not have to establish paternity and by filing child support you would be doing just that. If you choose to not have him involved nd he does not want to be involved then if you 2 agree then leave it at that. If you go on any gov't assitance though the state is going to force you to file child support. They are not going to terminate his rights so then you can go on tax payer assistance.
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