Child hurt

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Question: While a bus driver was driving home another driver ran a red light. In order to avoid hitting the car the bus driver swerved off the road. She pulled over in a convenience store parking lot to wait for police. While waiting the store was robbed and a child sitting on the bus was hit by a stray bullet. He had a long recovery in the hospital, but he is fine now. Can the parents sue the driver of the car for medical fees? Or is the bus driver responsible? Or what laws wpuld protect both parties from being sued?
I'm glad to know the child is recovering. At least God looked after that young child.

The parents can sue anyone they desire.

However, IF the parents have a cause of action, it would be against the thug who shot the child. And, that isn't an open and shut case.

However, in Michigan, the parents could avail themselves of the state's program to assist innocent people injured in incidents similar to the one you cited.
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