child insurance issue

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i have a question about child insurance obligations.. my husband has a child with a person he did not marry. we do not have visitation or custody but have paid for medical insurance coverage and support and have a legal document stating that he is only liable for half of all medical bills. We recieved a bill from a collection agency for over 3400.00 we had never gotten any bills for any of this service. This is for the full amount of the services. We called the collection agency and told them we should only be liable for half and have the papers stating so. They told us that it did not matter and that we have to pay all of it and it will go onto our credit report. What can i do about this i am willing to pay half but cannot afford it all and dont feel i should have to pay it.:mad:
your husband needs to dispute this. What is happening is that mom is probably putting your husband as the responsible party. She needs to stop doing that. Seems like Dad m,ight have to go back to court to force mom to pay half that bill, and to stop putting him on as the responsible party.

On another note, is there a reason why he does not have any visitation with the child? He is probably entitled to it. He can also go to court for that as well.
We Did Do A Dispute Sent Them A Copy Of The Court Order. But They Dont Seem To Care. What Is The Point Of The Paper If They Are Not Going To Pay Attention To It.
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