Child support after 18 if in college?

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My daughter is 18. She graduated high school in May. The day of her graduation her father stopped paying child support.( through bureau of child support)

It was my understanding that he was to pay her child support until 21 as long as she was enrolled full time in college.

The child support order states "until the child graduates high school and is 18, or 21 if enrolled in secondary school"

Did I misunderstand the judge? If not, how do I get this corrected so he will be paying HER the child support she is due.

Thanks in advance,

Mom of 2
If the decree actually states that CS is to continue until completion of college, then he needs to pay it or he is in contempt. There are some loopholes though, such as generally it require she be enrolled as a student full time. If she is enrolled in college 16 credit hours a weke or more, generally CS is to be continued. He can always challenge this but it sounds that he is in contempt.
Just have proof that she is enrolled in college full-time. I would file contempt of court for non-payment. As long as your decree says until 21 if in college. I don't know what state you are in. But I would check the child support guidelines. Sometimes, they change. If he fights it, he may get it changed.

Good Luck.
Duranie said:
If the decree actually states that CS is to continue until completion of college, then he needs to pay it or he is in contempt. There are some loopholes though, such as generally it require she be enrolled as a student full time. If she is enrolled in college 16 credit hours a weke or more, generally CS is to be continued. He can always challenge this but it sounds that he is in contempt.

She is in college full time, carrying 19 hours. She was already accepted and enrolled before she ever graduated high school.

The catch seems to be the term "secondary school." He seems to think it means high school. I was under the impression it ment college.

Where would I go to get this clarified?

Thanks for the info so far.

I have always been told "secondary school" means college. Why else would it be called secondary? I think your ex is trying to think of anything to stop paying. At least, your child is going to school. I have a step-daughter that thinks when you say it, it means you should keep paying support.

My husband pays in Indiana where support is paid until 21 unless you can prove certain things, ex. secondary school (college) not enrolled for four months or more, 18, not living with mother, capable of supporting herself, etc.

Good Luck.
secondary school is high school. So a child who is in high school after the age of 18 would receive child support until he graduates from high school.

My support agreement stipulated college, univeristy or vocational school until age 21.
Indiana, college is "post-secondary". I looked it up in the IN child support guidelines. So you should look up your state's guidelines. Some states, the emancipation age is different. Indiana is 21. Michigan is 18 or graduate whichever comes last.

Good Luck.
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