Child Support and paying for college expenses

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I'm the non-custodial parent of 2 children and pay child support. My oldest is in college and I'm required to pay for college along with my ex. I'm not able to financially afford paying for college, but I'm not opposed to helping in other ways to help with some expenses. If my ex and I were still married, I'm not sure that we would've still helped to pay all the college expenses. My oldest is required to take a loan out for part of her private schooling, but my ex and I are to split the remainder. Why is it that divorced parents are required to pay for college, but as a married couple the law wouldn't require us to pay for college? I've talked to many "married" couples who have not paid for a dime of their child's college nor feel that it is an obligation of being a parent to do so. Frustrated in Indiana.
I agree with you. College is a priviledge, not a right. Why did you agree to it in the decree? Since the decree says you are to pay some of it, you would have to have it revised to let you go of it. Maybe you can work something out with the ex wife. It is only a problem if she files a contempt charge.
Frustrated in Indiana

Indiana has child support laws set up to make non-custodial parents pay for college. Emancipation is 21 unless you can prove certain things like not in school for least four months, living on own, capable of supporting themselves, etc. Then they have a post secondary education law until 24.

At least your child is trying to better themselves by going to school. I have a step-daughter that wants us to keep paying child support to her mother even though, she isn't in school (Never graduated-GED), doesn't work (quit a good job making $10 an hour because she was sick), been kicked out of house numerous times, mom lets her move back in when we file for court, and just plain worthless. My husband is the non-custodial parent. Only some states have these laws about college. Michigan you only pay until 18 or graduation which ever comes last.

I know how you feel. Good Luck.
Having a law that mandates divorced parents pay for college is silly, since non divorced parents are not require to pay. College is a luxury many cannot afford. My parents would not pay for mine either so I did not go. I do have some college and alot of work experience under my belt. I am lucky to have a really good job but to force divorced parents to pay, when both sides see a reduction of income with a divorce, makes no sense.
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