child support, child not mine

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Ask for a paternity test.
If you were legally married to a woman that produced a child that was not yours, you are the putative father.
Fortunately, today we have DNA testing.
You can rebut the presumption of being the father and prove the child(ren) NOT to be yours by DNA testing.

There are support groups that provide assistance and legal help in rebutting putative paternity.
You need only search the internet.
I know there are several groups available in the Denver and Colorado Springs area.
By the way, after you prove that you are not the father, you can also sue to get your child support payments refunded.
You could also contact "The Maury Povich Show" (as well as other television programs) to get free DNA testing.
Those shows will also provide legal assistance in getting the payments that were extorted from you returned.

He's already divorced - he cannot now challenge paternity. He would have needed to do that as part of the divorce proceeding.
gor your information, i didnt up and leave the kids, you shouldnt talk unless you know what it is you are talking about. my ex wife left me and took the kids while i was at work to be with another man. i had no choice. oh i have a backbone, i took in a pregnant women who slept around and helped her as much as i could. you should keep your mouth shut
gor your information, i didnt up and leave the kids, you shouldnt talk unless you know what it is you are talking about. my ex wife left me and took the kids while i was at work to be with another man. i had no choice. oh i have a backbone, i took in a pregnant women who slept around and helped her as much as i could. you should keep your mouth shut

And if you'd like to continue receiving help, you'll put the rudeness to bed.
nothing has helped yet

Are you unable to read my posts?

Or are you seriously suggesting that there is nothing remotely helpful in this thread?

Please feel free to pay an attorney to tell you the exact same things you've already been told here.

no im trying really hard to deal with all of this...and i dont know where to start...there was nothing to help in that packet. i read all 76 pages. im not trying to be rude...i appreciate that you are trying to help me...i just still dont know where to start
no im trying really hard to deal with all of this...and i dont know where to start...there was nothing to help in that packet. i read all 76 pages. im not trying to be rude...i appreciate that you are trying to help me...i just still dont know where to start

Call the court-house where Mom and the kids live. Ask them which forms you need to file for visitation - this IS something they can do. They can't tell you how to fill them out, but they can tell you which ones you need.

Once you've done that, come back and we'll see where we are, k?
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