Child support for child in other state


I have an issue and need some assistance or a good lawyer to call. So here is the story.

I live in florida and i met a girl from texas, and we went out a few times. After that she went back to texas, and then calls me one day out of the blue and says she's pregnant, and tells me she doesn't want anything from me or nothing. I said ok. After 2 years, i get a call from her lawyer saying that i need to now start paying he child support. And i explained to him, that first off i don't even know if the child is mine and she told me that she doesn't want anything from me. So now, i don't know what to do? Do i have to pay child support even though she didn't want anything from in the first place, and i still don't even know if the child is mine. So i am going to do a paternity test. But lets say the child is mine. Is there a possibility to maybe give her a lump sum of money and that would release me from any responsibility? Or what can i do? I heard in Texas its very difficult state there, so even though i don't live there or anything, im stuck. Please any help would be very much appreciated.

I have an issue and need some assistance or a good lawyer to call. So here is the story.

I live in florida and i met a girl from texas, and we went out a few times. After that she went back to texas, and then calls me one day out of the blue and says she's pregnant, and tells me she doesn't want anything from me or nothing. I said ok. After 2 years, i get a call from her lawyer saying that i need to now start paying he child support. And i explained to him, that first off i don't even know if the child is mine and she told me that she doesn't want anything from me. So now, i don't know what to do? Do i have to pay child support even though she didn't want anything from in the first place, and i still don't even know if the child is mine. So i am going to do a paternity test. But lets say the child is mine. Is there a possibility to maybe give her a lump sum of money and that would release me from any responsibility? Or what can i do? I heard in Texas its very difficult state there, so even though i don't live there or anything, im stuck. Please any help would be very much appreciated.

You don't have to pay child support until a court says you do. Any paternity testing should be done through official channels (not a home paternity-type of kit). Child support is always "fluid", so her saying in the past that she doesn't want it doesn't mean she can't seek it now, nor would making a lump sum payment get you out of the possibility of future child support.

This would be true in any state, not just Texas.

Of course, as the father of the child (if you are found to be the father), you have the right to seek visitation as well. In fact, moving to be near the child would definitely be something for you to consider, if your situation permits it. Keep in mind, however, that visitation and child support are separate matters. Paying child support isn't an "admission ticket", nor is your lack of paying child support (whether court ordered or not) a bar to you visiting your child, per court orders.
After 2 years, i get a call from her lawyer saying that i need to now start paying he child support. And i explained to him, that first off i don't even know if the child is mine and she told me that she doesn't want anything from me. So now, i don't know what to do?

You ask for a paternity test to be done to determine IF you are the baby's pappy.

You don't pay her, or her likely FAKE attorney one penny until you ordered to do so by a district court judge in Texas.

If you're smart you cease any and all communication with baby's mammy.

If you're smart enough NOT to communicate with the mammy, you are smart enough to cease communicating with her likely FAKE attorney.

You respond ONLY to WRITTEN communication from the Texas District Court addressing the matter.

In the future, if you MUST have intercourse with a female or a male you barely KNOW, wrap your little warrior with TWO condoms to ensure you don't keep being accused of inseminating females and creating human life forms.

Wrapping your tiny lil warrior will also prevent YOU receiving diseases or transmitting diseases.

Condoms save lives, so does abstinence.

Go forth and be very careful mate, lest these lil bambinos could end up siphoning lots of your hard earned loot for child support.

I heard in Texas its very difficult state there, so even though i don't live there or anything, im stuck. Please any help would be very much appreciated.

STOP having UNPROTECTED sexxy, mate.

Sexxy with these eager female critters leads to the TRAP in which you've eagerly ensnared yourself.

No sexxy with the critters, no baby worries, more money you can keep.

Babies are expensive.

Babies can result from UNPROTECTED sexxy with critters.

Stop being a critter creeper, ease your mind, protects your loot to boot.
You don't have to pay child support until a court says you do. Any paternity testing should be done through official channels (not a home paternity-type of kit). Child support is always "fluid", so her saying in the past that she doesn't want it doesn't mean she can't seek it now, nor would making a lump sum payment get you out of the possibility of future child support.

This would be true in any state, not just Texas.

Of course, as the father of the child (if you are found to be the father), you have the right to seek visitation as well. In fact, moving to be near the child would definitely be something for you to consider, if your situation permits it. Keep in mind, however, that visitation and child support are separate matters. Paying child support isn't an "admission ticket", nor is your lack of paying child support (whether court ordered or not) a bar to you visiting your child, per court orders.

Thank you very much for your reply, do you have a recommendation of good lawyer for this type of situation? Also should i look for a lawyer in florida or texas?
Thank you very much for your reply, do you have a recommendation of good lawyer for this type of situation? Also should i look for a lawyer in florida or texas?

You don't need a lawyer until you KNOW you're the pappy.

Step by step, inch by inch, mate.

Take the DNA test, the result might prove someone lied to you.

If so, you won't need a lawyer.
You'll need a lawyer in Texas where the case is likely to be heard.

However, I don't see any need to hire one until you have an independent paternity test and are determined to be the father.

Meantime, you can look at the Texas child support guidelines in the following statute:


There are numerous child support calculators online that can give you an idea of how much you will be paying if you are the father:

texas child support calculator at DuckDuckGo

Understand that Texas allows for retroactive child support so your little pecker-dillo may end up being quite costly.
Not legally relevant, but since you obviously have no interest in being a parent, why didn't you take steps to prevent a pregnancy?

After 2 years, i get a call from her lawyer saying that i need to now start paying he child support. And i explained to him, that first off i don't even know if the child is mine and she told me that she doesn't want anything from me. So now, i don't know what to do? Do i have to pay child support even though she didn't want anything from in the first place, and i still don't even know if the child is mine. So i am going to do a paternity test.

You are not legally obligated to pay anything without evidence that the child actually exists and a determination under Texas law that the child is yours. The paternity test is obviously the way for that determination to be made (and I very much agree with the prior response that any paternity testing should be done through official channels (i.e., the court) and not a home paternity-type of kit). If that determination is made, then the mother may seek and obtain a court order obligating you to pay support on a going forward basis. That she previously told you she didn't want anything from you is irrelevant to anything.

But lets say the child is mine. Is there a possibility to maybe give her a lump sum of money and that would release me from any responsibility?

What do you have in mind? If the child is 2 years old, you're looking at 16 years of child support. We don't know how much you earn, but at $1,000 per month, you'd be looking at just shy of $200,000 over 16 years. Do you have that much money lying around? If so, then you certainly can hire an attorney in Texas to see if such an agreement could be made legally enforceable. But I doubt it (and certainly, you'd be better off investing the money and making payments over time).

Or what can i do?

Well...if, in fact, the child is yours, you could be a man and step up to the plate and be a father to the child that you created and be actively involved in the child's life and support the child financially. Just a thought.

I heard in Texas its very difficult state there


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