Child support for personal agenda

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Divorced 13 yrs ago. Originally went through Child Support Agency for a few months then elected out to deal with the finances on our own. My ex-wife now wants to send our 15yr old son to a private school and wants me to pay half of the tuition but I don't agree with the choice. Can she take me to court for child support to cover the tuition.
Yeap, she absolutely can.

Whether or not the court will approve her petition is anyone's guess.

Got to ask though - how on earth does this appear to be your ex's personal agenda? Isn't this about the child? It's not as if Mom benefits from sending kiddo to private school...kwim?
Our son is in an excellent public school system, mom wants to send him to a private Christian high school. We have differing views on religion vs. school. We have joint custody and signed a notarized letter stating that no child support would be payed either way to the Child Support Agency. We've always been very fair with splitting the costs of raising our son but I feel this isn't a necessary cost, rather a personal preference being forced on me.
What does your CURRENT child support order state?

Do you have joint legal custody?

Notarized letters are basically worthless unless they become part of a court order.
heller19 said:
Divorced 13 yrs ago. Originally went through Child Support Agency for a few months then elected out to deal with the finances on our own. My ex-wife now wants to send our 15yr old son to a private school and wants me to pay half of the tuition but I don't agree with the choice. Can she take me to court for child support to cover the tuition.

Sure, she can cause you to be subpoenaed to appear before a court. That doesn't mean she will prevail. On the other hand, until a court orders you to pay, you don't have to pay.

If you disagree with her on principal, tell her you won't pay. The notarized letter is meaningless and useless. She might take you to court. So what? Present your case. If things are as you say, your chances of overcoming her desires are promising. Talk to a local attorney and see what precedents exist in your area.

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We have joint legal custody, she has primary placement. We changed the court order 13 yrs ago to zero child support owed.
heller19 said:
We have joint legal custody, she has primary placement. We changed the court order 13 yrs ago to zero child support owed.

Okay, then you don't have to agree to her demands.

Why not talk to your son, and get his take on all this?

Whatever you decide, is entirely up to you.

There is no court order, yet.

There may never be one.

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Since the child was not in private school previously, then mom probably does not have a very good chance of getting you to pay half but she can certainly try. Why is she wanting to switch schools?
To make a long story short his mom wants him in a Christian school. Tuition is $5,000/yr for next 3 years. We have an excellent public school system and I don't agree with spending that kind of $$.
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