Child support modification

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I am not sure this is where I need to post this question but I need help.............:confused:

I am having to go to court because the noncustodial parent wants to lower the child support. My problem is that he has made 45,000 a year for the last 10 years and he has quit 4 jobs and is now making 18,000 a year. How do i prove or what can I use other then tax returns and classified ads to prove that he is voulintarily under employed.???

It is up to a judge to determine if he is voluntarily underemployed. Does he have a degree? Is he working outside of his normal field? That is a huge income difference. He might get some sort of decrease but hopefully the judge will still base his support off an amount of more than 18k a year.
I know that its up to the judge, but is there anything else I can bring to prove it. Is there anything else that can help me in the case:)
Not sure what else you can bring.

Does he have a degree or any vocational training?

If you have his tax returns that is a start, but they do not necessarily prove he is purposely underemployed.
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