Child support Questions need help

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My husband has a child with his ex-girlfriend, they were never married. My husband and his ex girlfriend have had a mutual agreement for child support payments for the last 15 years. They never went to court and have no legal papers only mutual agreements. My husband has paid child support with out fail, bought clothes, dr. appointments, supplied insurance and more for the last 15 years. Recently, she has filed for child support with the Attorney General.
We are worried as in the last month I have lost my job, meaning more than half of our income has been taken away, not to mention we have children together to support as well. My question is will the courts take into consideration our current money situation? My husband has a job but it won't pay all of our bills and we are worried about paying more child support than we currently pay.
Is there any way we can notify the courts I have lost my job, and our son together was just diagnosed with a medical condition that requires a lot of outside expense. Does any of this matter in the courts eyes? And if so how do we let them know? Does paternity have to be established before child support can begin? My husband has requested a paternity test, as he has always felt the kid is probably not his by blood. But has always wanted to do the right thing and has supported the child. Since all of this has come about my husband would finally like to know once and for all if the kid is his. We understand though that even if the kid is not his we will still have to pay child support, is this true? Will we be asked to pay back child support or retroactive child support?
thank you for any advice you might provide, we are worried.
Your husband will probably be entitled to the paternity test unless he has acted as the child's father for the past 15 years. If he has had visitation and has an established relationship with the child, then it's possible that he may not be able to challenge the paternity.

The answers to your child support questions depend on your state. Every state has its own laws. You can google a child support calculator for your state to get an idea of his obligation.

You can also google your states statutes to determine if your state allows retroactive child support. Many states do not, but some do.

I would also suggest contacting a lawyer.
If your son was the legal father (if he signed the birth paperwork) it is much too late to challenge paternity. If he never legally acknowledged it he might have some luck but it is a shame he is doing this just to wiggle out of paying child support. That child thinks he is the dad after all these years.

TYou need to google your child support guidelines to see if your children together matter. If they are not considered, then it is based on his income and the fact you are unemployed and have a child with medicak issues probably does not matter but it all depends on your state.

At any rate it is unlikely your husband is going to be able to support 2 households on 1 income so you need to make al attempts to find some employment,

My husband has a child with his ex-girlfriend, they were never married. My husband and his ex girlfriend have had a mutual agreement for child support payments for the last 15 years. They never went to court and have no legal papers only mutual agreements. My husband has paid child support with out fail, bought clothes, dr. appointments, supplied insurance and more for the last 15 years. Recently, she has filed for child support with the Attorney General.
We are worried as in the last month I have lost my job, meaning more than half of our income has been taken away, not to mention we have children together to support as well. My question is will the courts take into consideration our current money situation? My husband has a job but it won't pay all of our bills and we are worried about paying more child support than we currently pay.
Is there any way we can notify the courts I have lost my job, and our son together was just diagnosed with a medical condition that requires a lot of outside expense. Does any of this matter in the courts eyes? And if so how do we let them know? Does paternity have to be established before child support can begin? My husband has requested a paternity test, as he has always felt the kid is probably not his by blood. But has always wanted to do the right thing and has supported the child. Since all of this has come about my husband would finally like to know once and for all if the kid is his. We understand though that even if the kid is not his we will still have to pay child support, is this true? Will we be asked to pay back child support or retroactive child support?
thank you for any advice you might provide, we are worried.

WE dont pay child support, your husband does.atfer 15 years hes sol. the child is his, and theres nothing either of you can do about it( you cant do anything anyway since you are a legal stranger and not a party to anything concerning your husbands child)
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